The Wolf on Your Doorstep

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This is dedicated to CarolannWhitmore for her understanding and support <3

*****Chapter 25*****


We had just gotten to my house and settled in when there was a pounding at the door.

"X, can u get that while I figure out what i'm going to make for dinner?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, babe."

I finally came out of the room I wish I hadn't.

Standing in the middle of the living room was Xavier but he was carting something covered in black. It was a body. A wolf body.

"Baby? Baby what is that?!"

"It's one of ours." he said in a deathly quiet voice.

"Who?" I whispered.

"Just a rouge prisoner. See his marking its different." Sure enough when I looked at the marking on the wolf's back it was the wolf's paw print inside the autumn leaf with rings around it but unlike a pack member's 3 rings around it, it had 1 ring.

I was still in shock so there were no words to be spoken. Xavier was still kneeling on the floor looking at the prisoner. I noticed the door was open so I went to go close it.

I had just reached the door when I saw it. It was a simple piece of paper. But just the sight of it filled me with a sense of dread and foreboding hit me like a wave. If I was alone its intensity would have been enough to make me breakdown. After staring at the paper for a while I decided to read it.

My beautiful Athena,

Why you ran from me is understandable but something that is not is your sickening relationship with that childish boy. He knows nothing about making you happy because in the end you will always be unsatisfied with him. My business partner and I need you back you see. The business is going down because of your departure. Not only has you leaving had an effect on our customers but on our girls as well. They are trying to leave like you did and as you know that is quite unacceptable. I intend to bring you back and use you as an example as to what happens when you defy us. Even though my partner seems to be softening I won't. I will get to you. I will bring you back. And I will make sure you know pain you have never known in your entire life, you stupid bitch. You found a dead wolf on your doorstep yes? Well this is just the beginning I will keep killing those around you, and each time It will be someone even closer to you. If you make me wait long enough you may even find that boy you call your mate lying dead in your fucking arms. Don't make me wait that long.

And just food for thought, do you really think that that alpha truly loves you? He can have hundreds of prettier women at his feet in seconds, and yet you seem to think he will stay with your used and ugly self...

Sincerely, D

"Athena I need you help out here!" I heard Xavier yell for me and quickly folded up the paper and put it into my pocket. I ran into the family room to see the door to the backyard open. While walking out I was thinking about the last few lines of the note. It struck a cord with me. It was something I had thought about before. It actually scared me. What if I lost him?

I went outside and saw Xavier kneeling next to the wolf. He looked up at me as I approached.

"I need to do the ritual of the moon."

"But he's a rouge, not a pack member." i looked up at him confused.

"Doesn't mean he's any less of a person. He wasn't really a prisoner, we found him in the woods one day. He was dying. He was a good man we only gave him a prisoner mark because he didn't want to be a burden as another pack member. That is why he was a rouge in the first place. We tried to convince him to become a pack member but he said no." he sounded upset by the death of this wolf.

"You sound like you knew him well."

"I was with my dad when he found him. I was young and had never met a rouge I was intrigued by him. I spent days talking to him, he was an excellent listener." Xavier explained to me in a hushed tone.

I couldn't help but think that this was my fault. This wolf was a friend of Xavier and now he was dead because of me. Derek did this because of me. I felt horrible. I know I should tell Xavier about the note but he looked so upset about this, I just couldn't bring myself to.

Xavier had me get the candle, the wolf's fur, the water, the burial paste while he went to get a burial blanket. I got back before he did so I had a moment alone with the wolf.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered "this is all my fault." I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I knew if I hadn't come here in the first place and I had stayed with Derek in LA this wolf would still be alive. Even thinking of all this I couldn't bring myself to regret coming here, no matter how selfish it sounds, if I didn't come here I wouldn't have met my Xavier. I knew I had to get my face cleaned up before he got back. So I wiped my tears and prepared for the ritual.

"Sorry I couldn't find the blankets." he told me as he rushed over to me.

"Its fine baby. Lets start." I told him.

Xavier picked up the wolf and layed him on the wolf's fur while I lit the candle. The fur represnting the wolf, the candle lighting the way to the afterlife. Then we sprinkled the water on the wolf, representing the purity and washing away of wrong doings so he could have a happy afterlife. Then we put the burial paste on his forehead, this was so he and his wolf would still be together in the afterlife. Even though we do this ritual we still believe in the Catholic God so we said some prayers and then wrapped him in the burial blanket. By this time Ray and some other guys from Xavier's pack got here and picked up the body.

We watched them drive away and then closed the door. Xavier put his arm around me as we walked to the family room.

He walked to the window looking out as I sat on the couch.

"So what did that note say?" he said, still looking out the window.

"What?!" I asked completely caught off gaurd. I hadn't known he had seen me read the note!

"You know what I'm talking about Athena. I thought we were being honest now." He said looking over his shoulder at me with a slight bit of hurt in his eyes.

"You saw."


"I jus-" i started before he interrupted me.

"What did the damn note say?!?!" he said raising his voice a little.

"Here baby." I said pulling the note out of my pocket and gave it to him.

I tried reading his face as he read the note but it was completely blank. Once he finished made his way over to me and kissed me passionately. I was surprised with his reaction but I kissed him back.

He looked me in the eyes and said the only words that could reassure me and my feelings, "I love you Athena. More than my own life. This note better not have made you think anything less."

It was in that moment I knew I had no reason for my fears of him leaving me, Xavier loved me.

But it didn't erase my fear of Derek.


What do you guys think?

The Burial Blanket on the side ----->

Sorry its been a while but I hope you like it.

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and last but not least...



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