{•}Those Eyes{•} Itachi

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Itachi X Fem Reader

Highschool AU


Those eyes. You could feel that fleeting gaze again whilst you ate your lunch in the crowded dinner hall. That stare that would burn into the back of your skull one minute and then be gone the next. Those indecisive eyes. Those eyes that had been watching you for as long as you could remember. However, you wouldn't let your tension show, it was not a rope that you was going to let slip away without going through pain to keep it.
Y/N was a tough cookie and you wasn't going to let a stare annoy you. In fact, if that stare was indeed annoying - which it undeniably was - you were going to put a stop to it. Immediately!

Standing up with red eyes, you banged your fist on the lunch table, gaining more stares but as you turned your body you was greeted with an empty space behind you. An empty surrounded spot and all that laid on the table was a singular rose petal. Still having a few confused stares, aggressively you growled. "WHAT ARE YOU LOT LOOKIN AT!" With a sigh and unclenched hand, you stormed out of the hall. But before you fully exited, you gazed at the rose petal. "Roses don't have eyes." You whispered with ambiguity laced within your voice. Continuing your journey, anger still sewed in you, you arrived at a tree you usual sat at everyday. It was a cheery blossom tree, enveloped by chartreuse, lush, grass and delicate, colourful flowers. You may have been aggressive and loud at the most of times but you did enjoy the peace and tranquillity this spot offered. Leaning against the tree, sighing in relief, you spotted a chocolate bar wrapper laying on the ground. Chucking as it reminded you off when those foolish boys tried to take your chocolate bar and took your looks as vulnerability. They were so wrong to do that. Like Lizzie Midford you kicked their arses cause that is what girls are made of. Sugar, spice and...

Itachi POV

Beauty. Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. He whispered to himself as he snapped a picture of his one and only girlfriend. Oh yes you were dating, you just didn't know it yet. You were obviously soulmates. Of course you were. No doubt about it. This was probably his 1,424 picture of you... Oh wait no... 1,425... Oh still no... 1,426... And the number keeps on adding. He exclusively made sure to get an SD card with lots of GB personally for you. Wasn't he thoughtful? His rose seemed to be in some sort of daze, looking at a chocolate bar wrapper discarded. Vile humans. They don't even respect the ground she walks on. How dare they! She is a God to them! Staring at your dreaming visage, he smiled softly from his spot in the bushes. You was so beautiful you made flowers look dead. However, it was not your beauty that first attracted him. It was your bravery. He was walking alone one day, due to his cold demeanour scaring others, and by fate stumbled across a scene of a girl ~ a Goddess ~ beating 3 scrawny looking kids to a pulp with some pretty impressive ninja moves. He decided to see how it would end by hiding in the bushes. Those same exact bushes he has been hiding in for 3 years. Doing nothing but staring, and dreaming and planning for his wondrous future with his rose. No one was going to take that from him. He'd already scared one boy off who even thought it was ok to touch your arm. "It was accidental" he whimpered. Accidental my arse. God I'm glad that I buried his body underneath weeds after tying him up and cutting and - - He was stopped by his rose waking up from her little daydream and getting up, realising she was late to class. "God dammit." You stressfully spoke in a low, soft voice. It was music to his ears. He wanted to hear what other tunes you could play. What other melodies he could play in you to get a certain sound. But he wouldn't wonder for long. You were going to be his. And his alone.
"Oh my rose, I'm coming for you."


Those gifts. Those gifts that would be waiting on your doorstep everyday after school. Chocolates, flowers, letters and most importantly... Roses. Though you had been using the letters handwriting to find the culprit, somewhat deduct who it was but could never match the writing to anyone in your classes. The gifts that got bigger and more... Personal. You didn't want to admit to yourself that yes, your stalker had 'gifted' you his underwear. Most probably recently worn more than recently washed. The gifts that just wouldn't keep on giving. Like the gift on your doorstep right now. This time it was a chocolate bar and a rose, oh always a rose. And a note, not always a note.

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