Getting up in the morning

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"Bobby Bobby........BOBBYYYYYYYYYYYY WAKE UP!" yells my mum sounding very angry this morning.

"Mummmmm, can't you see I am trying to get some sleep" I moaned being half asleep.

"Well bobby you can't because you need to get up now we are getting ready for school and plus you will be late for school and also it's excursion day so you don't want to miss that either ok so let's go" says my mum pumped up and ready to go this morning.

I get changed into a pair of shorts and a top to wear for today and as I go down stairs I forgot to put my shoes on and I say to my self "oh rats I forgot my shoes" so I run back up stairs and put a pair of sneakers on.

I run down stairs where my mum is cooking some eggs on toast for me and orange juice to drink "thanks mum, so what is this excursion about" I asked as I had some eggs in my mouth "well it is a exhibition trip to the museum to look at a exhibit about cleopatra" mum says.

"Bor-ing" I say with toast in my mouth

"You don't know you may like it" says mum

"Here you go I packed your lunch and snack in your bag" said mum trying to get to work

"Bye mum see you after school" I said running out the door.

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