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I laugh as we sit in David's house, gathering around his living room. I sit next to Toddy as I see Rex get handed a Corona.

"No! Don't give her that!" I say as Heath opens the bottle for her.

"Why?" David asks.

"She's going to get shit faced! I can't deal with that on my own at the house!" I cry out. Rex gets blacked out shit faced, no control over her mind and body after like two drinks.

"Just stay here!" David smiles.

"LETS PARTY MOTHER FUCKERS!" Rex stands up and screams before I get a chance to say anything. She chugs the Corona and Zane does one with her.


ie hd si6 corONas and f5ve shoT. i cn fEl colurs and smLL sonds
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4/30/19 12:35 AM


"WHO WANTS TO SEE ME CUT MY HAIR!" Rex screams with a pair of scissors in her hand, standing on top of David's island.

She had just died her hair blonde yesterday, and I think it looks great on her. Now as a drunkin' act, she wants to chop it all off.

Zane screams for her to cut her hair and David grabs his camera quickly.

"No! This is a bad idea!" Matt screams trying to stop her.

"Do it!" I scream, "고양이가되지 마!"

'don't be a pussy!'

"I'm not a pussy!" Rex screams and then cuts her hair. A clean cut right above her shoulders. Everyone cheers.

I've never seen Rex with short hair, she's always had it long and honestly it looks amazing.

"That's my best friend!" I yell. I flinch when I get hair in my face.

I turn and see Scotty and Toddy, "Are you guys seriously attacking me with Rex's hair right now?" Scotty just smiles with his eyes slightly closed, he's defiantly drunk.

"G-Guys-" *burp* "Whoops!- Look at my new hair!" Rex slurs as she comes over to us.

"Oh god, she's not going to remember anything." I shake my head laughing at her.

The party slowly starts do dim down and people start leaving.

I become tired so I lay on the couch. I hear Rex mumble things and say David's name.. I already know what she's doing she does it every time.

"Did she kola you?" I ask without even turning around to look at them. There's no answer so that's defiantly a yes, "Good luck getting her off. When she's drunk all she wants to do is cuddle."

"Where is she supposed to sleep?" He asks.

I turn over to look at him and see her clinging to his side, "With you man."

He leaves the room with her and I feel a blanket get draped over me. I look up and see Toddy.

"Please lay with me." I say tiredly.

"Huh? I have to uh-"

"At least until I fall asleep... please."

He gives in and lays next to me, he wraps his arm around me and I lay my head on his chest.

"Goodnight Toddy." I whisper.

"Goodnight.. Aesook." He pronounces my real name perfectly making me fall asleep with a smile on my face, he must have practiced because he could never say it before.

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