Day 2-NF

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So in sixth grade I liked my friend Miranda M. She was so sweet. Like sweeter than your favorite ice cream + the sweetest candy you can think of + Nesquik Chocolate milk!!! Ok so here is what happened with her. I felt like I was drowning in a pool when I was around her, why? I swear I could always smell strawberries 🍓 when she was around. I actually still don't know if she was straight or bi, because I never asked. I should have though... OH WELL TOO LATE FOR IT NOW! Yeah she moved and I was super sad! And I was like "What in the everlasting hell Lady!? You can't just magically make me like you, then you leave! That's not how life should work!!" Why the fuck are people so complicated? Like especially women? What's their deal? I'm just trying to be nice!!😫❤️❤️🥺 . I'd get if you were super close friends with someone and then one of you said, "oh by the way. I like like you."  I know, for a fucking fact, it's gonna be hella weird for both of you especially if one didn't like the other like that! Y'know what? Actually I didn't even tell Miranda M. I liked her.. I think I should have. Dude I was literally SO close to telling her............ but I just didn't I just didn't and I don't know why.....

Otay well... bi imma leave now


I asked her one time if she'd ever date one of her female companions and guess what she said?!



"Depending on who it is. I'd think about it" THEN SHE SMILED AT ME!!!

I'm gayer than I thought I was...... damn it 😅😂🙃

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