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Y/N POV (In voice over):

My name is Y/N. I am a freshman at Mckinley high. I have it pretty rough. No friends. No one I can depend on. I am extremely quiet and have the darkest secrets I can't tell anybody. I also have nobody to tell. No one notices me or even bothers to notice me. I don't want to be noticed. I am never happy. I've also never even actually smiled before.

I've been living in this shell my whole life. But, I guess you can say I have hidden talents. Over my years I've taught myself to sing and dance from watching street performers. This one guy handed me a ukelele and taught me to play. I felt joy from doing so, but I still didn't smile.

I also happen to be very flexible. I don't even have to try. It must be genetics from my mother's side. But, I wouldn't know because I've never met my mother. My father has never even mentioned her.

One day, I was wandering the halls to go to the library and I stop by a sign up sheet for a new glee club. The old teacher quit or retired I guess. And Mr. Schue was taking over. Mr. Schue is my Spanish teacher and he's pretty nice. I've heard rumors he was in the glee club at Mckinley in his time. That doesn't surprise me much.

Five people already had their names signed up. Mercedes Jones, Kurt Hummel, Tina Cohen-Chang, Artie Abrams, and Rachel Berry.

I know Tina and Artie. They're in my year, but I've never talked to them. I'm way too shy and quiet to do anything that crazy. But, wait. I'm standing right in front of the sign up sheet! That's crazy enough already. And also. This is a voice over! How the hell am I doing that! Ok, walking away now....

3rd person POV

You walked away from the sign up sheet. Someone stopped you in your tracks. "I saw you looking at the glee club sign-up sheet. You gonna audition?"
You said nothing. You didn't even make eye contact. "No comment? Okay, well think about it. I see you around, but you never talk or do anything really. You should really get involved with the school if you want to be successful like me. I'm gonna be a star in Broadway soon and I need as many people as possible to support me. Please think about it. Name's Rachel Berry and hopefully I will see you soon."
The girl walked away and you turn back to look at her. She seemed really perky and too ambitious. That made you think that everyone in glee club would be like that. The bell rang and you headed to class.

You had Spanish with Mr. Schue next and you knew he was going to make an announcement about Glee club. And he did. "Alright everyone, as you may have heard, I am taking over the glee club. You'll find the sign up sheet in the hallway. Feel free to sign your name and come to auditions."

Kids laughed and made remarks. You thought for a moment, but didn't say anything.

Several days later~~~~~

You were in the girl's bathroom. No one was in there except you. You start to hum as you wash your hands. The humming turned into vocalizing. Then, the vocalizing turned into words.

"I can't be alone here.
 I can't be the only one who feels like i'm going nowhere.
Just wishing somehow this dream will carry me.
And I swear just one last time.
They say the world is yours so I'm making mine"

"-So you can sing!" came a voice.

You screamed in horror and jumped ten feet in the year, causing the person to scream too. It was Rachel.

"Oh my gosh. Don't scare me like that." said Rachel. You give her a look that clearly said Really? I scared you???

"Well. You have a decent voice. Decent enough to at least join Glee club. Come on!"

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