The Power of Madonna

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You haven't talked to Quinn since the incident. She's tried to talk to you, but you either ignored her or walked away. She could've made things worse for you. You could've ended up in foster care. You didn't want that at all. So you kept your distance from her.

You and the girls were hanging out in the choir room. You see Quinn drawing what looked like an unflattering sketch of Rachel, complete with the word 'LOSER' across the top of the page and several love hearts scattered around. You rolled your eyes.

"Can I ask you guys something private?" Rachel asked as she stood up and went to a chair.

"Yes, you should move to Israel," Santana said, rudely.

"It's about dating. Not that I'm dating anyone. We all know that Finn and I are no longer an item, and for the sake of the team, I broke up with Jesse. But let's just say I was dating someone."

Jesse St James was this cocky boy, who was the male lead of Vocal Adrenaline. You remembered seeing him with Rachel in the library not that long ago.

Mr. Schue came into the room, but Rachel proceded. "Let's just say, hypothetically, we went to a Wiggles concert last Friday night, and then because my dads weren't home, we went up to my room and started making out. It was erotic and romantic. And then he said...we should do it"
Rachel then described the situation if she were to say not to "doing it"

"What if then he got really crabby and left, and didn't even take home the Care Bear I won him playing Skee Ball?" Rachel asked.

"Would you please stop talking? You're grossing out my baby." Quinn said. You rolled your eyes at her.

"I just want to be ready; I know I'm getting older, and these things are going to happen someday, but how do I stop a guy from getting mad at me for saying no?" Rachel asked.

"Just do what I do. Never say no." said Santana.

"Oh, totally. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Sorry, Quinn." said Brittany.

"Look, girl, don't ask me." said Mercedes. "The last guy I liked was the mayor of gaytown. And I can't wait to get a guy mad at me for saying no."

You then speak up (something you rarely did nowadays, but it seemed Rachel wasn't making this up. It was actually happening to her. You can see it in her eyes.) "If he's not willing to respect your choices then he isn't worth it."

"We just have to accept that guys don't care about our feelings." said Tina. "Like, the other day, I was walking with Artie..."

She then told the story of how Artie tried to talk her into changing her look just so she can be with him.

"That's got to sting." said Rachel. "Thomas doesn't do that." you mutter to yourself. Santana couldn't help but overhear you. "That's because he's a goody two-shoes british boy. I would get all up in that if he didn't look at you the way he does."

"Hey, guys. I'm sorry to interrupt your little sorority, but I couldn't help but overhearing. Are you really having that much boy trouble?" Mr. Schue asked.

"You wouldn't understand, Mr. Shue. You're a guy." said Quinn.

"Well, then maybe you should talk to someone else about it. Like Ms. Pillsbury."

"I tried that." Rachel replied

Later that day, in glee club, Mr. Schue writed Madonna on the white board. You knew some Madonna, but didn't know much as what the glee kids looked like they knew.

"What comes to mind when you see that name?" Mr. Schue asked.

"Genius." Rachel answered.

"Icon." said Kurt.

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