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haechan walked down the hallway in a sad manner. his head was hung low and he shuffled his feet.

until he was suddenly pulled into a supplies closet and someone had their lips on his.


even though he had so many questions, he kissed him back. missing his sweet lips and how they felt against his. mark pulled away and turned on the light


"where have you been?" haechan asked, hurt in his voice

"i-i don't know..."

"do you know how....how fucked up my mind is right now?"

mark was about to speak but-

"did you use me?"

"what? why would you think that?!" mark looked at the younger in disbelief. the only thing he could think of doing was to give him a hug

"t-then w-where do you g-go?" haechan sobbed into marks shoulder

"i-i'm....i'm leaving after graduation. i only just found out about it...."

"w-what?" donghyuck looked at mark, more tears threatening to flood over

"m-my parents," mark began to sob, "they want me to have a better f-future....i tried to convince them to let me stay..."

donghyuck was surprised to see mark crying. he must really care huh?

"it's ok mark hyung," the younger hugged mark tightly, "i can write letters to you and we can Skype...you'll come back to visit right?"

"b-but," mark squeezes haechan, "i d-don't want to leave you..."

"i love you.."

haechan froze. mark loves him? he felt his heart flutter and his stomach flip

"i-i love you too mark hyung..."

shit, i like you | nct markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now