[First Draft] Chapter 16: Awaken

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Staying in the apartment wasn't so bad, though boredom set in quickly; TV had never really interested me and there were no books in the living room. So I mostly slept—simply for something to occupy my time—or daydreamed as I watched over Polly.  

Luc wasn't around much. After spying on him as he took care of Polly, I had no more feelings of suspicion or hostility towards him, but that didn't seem to matter. Luc wouldn't speak to me. Hell, he wouldn't even look at me. Ever since his outburst, it was like it physically hurt him to be in the same space as me, to even share the same air. I only saw him once or twice before he disappeared completely, confining himself to his bedroom.

After that, the only way I knew that he had been leaving the room at all was the appearance of various items that I found after I awoke from one of my many naps. Food—mostly takeout, sometimes simple groceries—and new clothing appeared on the kitchen counter every day. But there was no note or message to tell me that it was him doing the delivering, though I knew it had to be. So I spent my time, alone, watching over Polly as she slept endlessly on the futon.  

I wasn't sure what was wrong with her, but I was afraid to disturb her in case it was something more severe. I may not have been on friendly terms with Luc, but I now trusted his judgement. I understood that the amulets he placed on us were to keep us from further injuring ourselves while he waited for us to heal. And after some careful thought I realized that it made sense; I could only imagine what state he had found us in, and it hadn't been pretty. You definitely didn't want to endanger the healing process by risking two frightened people waking up and freaking out on you.  

But what made me worry was the fact that he had two amulets on her instead of just the one he had put on me. What condition was she in that was so bad that he didn't want to risk her waking up at all?

+ + +

It was over a week before I saw Luc again. For once, I wasn't spending my day asleep on the edge of Polly's futon. I was amusing myself by daydreaming again, even though I had exhausted most of my personal fantasy options.  

A light knock came at the door, and I jumped about a foot off the ground from the shock of it. Our situation had made me completely forget that other people actually existed; trapped in this apartment made me feel like we were the last people on Earth.  

I wasn't sure what to do at first. Did I answer the door? Who could it be? I knew we could't leave the apartment, but could other people come in?  

I didn't get to wonder for long; the door to Luc's bedroom opened only seconds after the knocks stopped.  

Luc looked dishevelled. There was a dark shadow of prickly stubble cast over his face and purple bags hung under his eyes. It was the worst I had ever seen him--this scruffy look paired with his usual alabaster skin made him look kind of dead--but he still looked impossibly attractive.  

Like usual, Luc didn't even glance at me, but I didn't take my eyes off of him. My gaze followed him as he crossed the room to the demanding door. He pulled open the curtain that separated the room leaving a gap large enough for me to see what he was doing. I leaned in to get a better look. Luc continued to ignore me and tore the door open, revealing the delivery man that stood on the other side.  

"Hi again, Mr. Couillard!" The friendly man said, smiling brightly. He was young looking but he wasn't a teenager; he must've only been a few years younger than me. There was a mischievous boyish glint to his eyes, but overall he seemed pretty innocent, but maybe over-eager.  

I couldn't see Luc's expression, but the delivery man's face fell slightly after meeting his eyes.  

"Oh, sorry, sorry, I forgot--" the man's voice fell to a whisper. "I don't want to wake your guests."  

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