Chap 4- i need a new name for my Life

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"So tell me!" Jake said which ended having me fall of the couch. Shit he scared me. Oh he betta not laugh or else i ma beat the shit out of him i love him but no- we have been here in silence for the past 5 min- so i stand up and see jake trying not laugh so i slap him and seat down

Ok here i go "ok jake this is my my horrible tragic misunderstand sadly past which turned to a wondeful yet fearful adverture. I need a new name for my life. Back to the point here i go it all started 1 years ago...

Flash Back: 1 years ago

Here i am on the floor of my bedroom in the corner crying my eyes out. Wanna know why? My whole family hates me/ scratch that everyone hates me. Earlier i was downstairs eating some cookies when my brother came in. When he saw me he slapped me and pushed me out of the way saying

"move out of the way fatass you should stop eating everything or else everyone is going to starve. You don't even need the food you are fat enough to live without food for years."

When he finished i was crying but managed to say

"Why do you hate me so much. I-I have never done anything to you"

"Yes you have u were fucking born and plus that i couldn't get a pretty sister that i could show off to my friends instead i got an ugly fatass that can only eat for living fuck off and act as we are not related! U fucking piece of shit!! I Hate You!!!" He slapped me again and stormed off the kitchen and slammed the front door.

Then my mom came in and said "what did u do this time? Cant you listen and leave him alone. And would u stop eating it only makes you more fat then what u already are.... I cant believe you are my daughter. She mutter the last part but i heard her perfectly fine then i ran upstairs and thats how i ended up here.

I know i am over weight but food is the only thing that would make me happy. And I am depressed about all the time because of everyone.i just want to know what I did wrong to make everyone hate me. All my life has been the same people treating me like shit home school outside etc. Even my mom... My dad i... I haven't seen him since i was like 10. He did send me an email saying that i can go live with him during summer if i wanted to but i never responded back... I always hated how everyone treated me but i just couldn't go away i still had hope that someday they will love me. But that all change one day....

Some day of the year~

I was walking to school when i saw the school player Cole also my number one bully in front of me. I tried to keep walking without him noticing me and keeping my distance. Everything was going fine until i smashed face first on a muscular back (this is what i get for looking down). Then when he turned around he screamed at me

"Watch where u are going you piece of shit you would have killed me if you fell on me with all that fat of yours. " with that he pushed me to the ground and left. I felt tears coming out but i wiped them off and ran to school. When i was going inside the building i ran to my locker but i tripped and fell on top of someone. When i looked up i saw the one and only Cole he pushed me off of him and then screamed " what the fuck is wrong with u? I know i am hot but are u that desperate for me to notice u! What the hell u could of killed me right there? Yo Sam look if u dont keep ur sister on a leash then i will beat her ya hear me she keeps throwing herself on me. You better start giving her some attention she is desperate for some." By the time Cole finish everyone had stopped in the hallway we were currently in and was laughing at what he said but my brother... OH BOY I WAS SURE GONNA GET S BEATING TODAY. He was furious as hell like smoke was coming out of his ears. Then he dragged me into the driveway and pushed me inside his car. Then he snapped and started screaming "What the hell is wrong with u. How many times have i told u to stay out of the way? But no u wanted attention and was too desperate for it to even think about me u selfish bitch. U may be a loser and u know it but i am not like u and i will not let that happen because I have a whale for a sister. Now listen closely, i don't fucking like u and u are not my sister not like u ever were and trust me u never will. With that he slapped me and drove home whiles i tried to keep all my tears inside. When i went inside the house he screamed "mom the bitch here is not only a whale but an attention whore too. Listen i got to go, so take care of her or throw her in a bottomless pit and let her die who cares anyway. Bye" ladies and gentlemen that was the last thing my brother said to me. Then my mom came and slapped me three times then she told me to go to my room. There i contacted my dad and told him:

Me-Dad i accept ur proposition and i would like to go live with u now

Dad- ok sweetie when will u like to come?

Me- is today possible

Dad- uum idk let me check

Dad- yes there is a flight here is the info just print it out and u leave today in 2 hours so hurry up hun!

Me- thanks dad and ok bye see u soon

Dad- bye sweetie cant wait

When i finish i print the paper off and pack only some clothes in my book bag. Then i wrote a note saying:

To : sam and mom

Went to live with my dad not like you care bye hope i never have to come back

From~ D

Then i called a cab and went downstairs quietly and went to the airport. As soon as i boarded the plane i realize what i had just done and didn't even regret it. If one day i come back then i will come back for revenge those bitched wont know what hit them"

When i finish telling Jake my story i didn't mention all of it. I just hope i don't see some people when i go back to school or they are gonna end up dead and me in jail... Now we don't want that. When i looked at Jake he was shaking most likely he was furious but then out of nowhere he hugged me and told me "i cant believe u went through that fuck them sissy. U only need me no one else and don't worry i will be here from now on and basically ur awesome hero"

"My here... Not" i said and he just laughed. Well we gotta finish unpacking and since i am staying here i will be in the guest room. Which is next to your room so if u need anything just screamed" with that he left and i just through myself on bed and i quickly fell asleep with a dreamless night/afternoon (don't judge me)

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