chapter 7

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The day had arrived for Hollywood bowl.  And my long long shift. Coffee would be my best friend tonight.    I would've loved to seen Shannon and the guys play but, work came first.   I clocked in at 3am and for changed into my scrubs shoes.  First patient or the day was a boating accident victim. 24 year old male drinking and messed up his arms and broke his back barely clinging to life at this point. I scanned his bracelet and checked his vitals.  He didn't budge. I could tell he had fallen in the water pretty badly. . I also noticed, no family was here with him. That's odd. I glanced through his chart and there was the reason.  He had just gotten out of rehab and thought well I'm gonna have a drink or two or nine. His father and mother both deceased. No siblings either. Well I know where I will be tonight. This killed me. When I came into someone's world and they were all alone.  Especially in his condition.  Scanning over my schedule for tonight, I had two others but both were less traumatic then this guy. His name was Brian. As I removed the needle from his arm to draw blood, he flinched.  B" hey,  where am I?".   I smiled and said " your in the east county trauma ward ".  He looked down and seen his body pretty bandaged up and he couldn't move without  pain.   B" fuck that hurts! Sorry I didn't.... ".   Me" I've heard worst believe me "   I put in an order for pain meds to be STAT up.  Me " do you remember falling off the boat? ".    B" all I...... Ouch...remember is drinking a beer and the next thing I knew.. ...everything went black on me.". Me" I believe it! You hungry can I get you anything to eat or drink? ".   I grabbed my stethoscope and keys and he stopped me.  B" can you stay and visit for awhile? ".   I knew he had no one else so I stayed.  We talked about his life and he said he wanted to go to culinary school and get a chef job in a big time restaurant.  Me" sounds like you got your life set, just need to heal first ".  He laughed and said " do they have any coke down there? ".  Me" I can get you some? ".  I walked over and filled up his cup and brought it back.   He later decided to fall asleep.  Hours passed and I checked on him once more still asleep. My other two patients were good too. I had an hour to kill and I felt tired still having so many hours ahead of me. I  pulled on my hoodie and crashed setting my alarm.  Meanwhile at Hollywood Bowl,  the guys had just wrapped and were getting showered to leave back home. Shannon grabbed his phone to call me and I missed it. Dead tired and out of it. S" oh so she is to busy for me? ".   Tomo stepped out of his dressing room coming over to Shannon and said" what are you up to? Wanna go eat I'm fuckin starving ".   S" nah, I'm good ".   He sat down and looked at Shannon's phone with my name across the screen.  T" Julie huh?  Hmmmm who's she? ".  S" she's taken.  I mean, she's busy working she's not answering her calls ".   T" what does she do ? Stripper?  ".   S" really?  No  Fugga she's a nurse, she's working a long shift tonight ".   T" why don't you go see her then, bring her food? " He knew Tomo had a great idea.  S" ok,  let's go eat then ".  The set off to the restaurant on Broadway and picked up food to go. I could hear my alarm go off, my eyes burned and I wanted to just sink deeper in this comfy couch.  Nine hours to go!  My eyes didn't stay open for long. I fell back asleep and didn't hear the door open.  S" there you are ". He came over to the couch and sat by me.  Leaning down he kissed my cheek and set the food on the table.  He grabbed my  hand and kisses it, still I was out cold. S" man you must be tired, you need sleep". He touched my face and laid down next to me and wrapped me in his arms.  He woke up suddenly, when the lights came on.  He thought he was in trouble for being in there with me.  Another nurse came in and said I could go home they were over staffed for the night.  Shannon smiled and picked me up in his strong arms.  She clocked me out and he took me to his car. Half an hour later we arrived at his house. Once he stepped inside, he laid me down on his couch, covering me up with a blanket .  S" see you in the morning cutie". He kissed my cheek and went upstairs. 

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