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~♡ three ♡~


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"so, you talked to your father about it?" felix asked the  younger next to him.

jeongin and felix were currently going at the hospital together. jeongin was telling him about  how he told his father about it and the suggestion to go to the hospital. jeongin decided to call felix for company and in case he had a panic attack.

"yeah. he wanted to book a ticket and come here, but i told him he shouldn't worry much." jeongin shrugged, trying to play it cool, but we all know how stressful this is.

"he shouldn't worry much?!" felix exclaimed, "you're basically dying!" he whisper-shouted so no one would hear them.

"he has a job, felix! an important one!" jeongin argued back, not wanting to accept the fact that felix is somewhat right.

"yeah, his job is important, but you're his son and you're more important! he said it himself!" felix argued back as they stopped in front the hospital.

"now's not the time to argue, bitch." jeongin said, sending him a playful glare, "let's go."

they entered the hospital and stopped to ask a nurse about a free doctor that's familiar with jeongin's situation. the nurse kindly helped them and lead them to a room where the doctor was.

"uh, hello." jeongin awkwardly greeted the older man who was organizing his documents.

"hello, kid." the doctor smiled politely greeting both jeongin and felix, "take a seat." he motioned to the two free chairs opposite him.

jeongin and felix both bowed and sat down on the free chairs.

"so, hanahaki huh?" the doctor asked, as the boys nodded, "which one of you?"

"um, me doc." jeongin raised his hand slightly.

"such a young boy.." the doctor muttered to himself, "so, when did you first start coughing up the petals?" he asked.

"yesterday at school." jeongin answered shortly.

"uh huh." the doctor muttered, writing it down on a notepad, "so i assume you searched it up on internet and also know who your beloved is, right?" he asked, receiving a nod from the younger.

"yeah. i was really worried and i immediately googled it. a-and the person.. it was all at once, you know? like, we're really good friends and then.." he stopped not knowing how to explain the situation.

"i know, kiddo." the doctor smiled, familiar with the situation, "well, since you googled it, you probably know the main stuff about it." he said and jeongin nodded, "did you think about a surgery?"

jeongin thought for a moment, "well.. i don't think i want a surgery for now." he said shyly, the doctor nodding in understatement.

"okay, i'm gonna skip to the important parts." the doctor said, his face dead serious, "you have two months to live." he said as felix let out a loud gasp.

"two months?!" felix screeched, "get a surgery now!"

"be quiet, felix!" jeongin shushed him as the doctor laughed quietly to himself.

"as i was saying, you have two months to live." the doctor said once again, "you have two choices. get a surgery or confess to your beloved. if the beloved returns the feelings, the flower that blooms in your lungs will slowly disappear, meaning your disease is cured. but if they don't return the feelings.. you'll be slowly dying if you don't get the surgery."


felix was staring at jeongin like he was out of his mind as jeongin was re-thinking his decisions. a minute later, he decided,

"i won't be taking the surgery." he said surely as felix's mouth went wide open, "but when i confess and he doesn't return the feelings, i'll gladly take the surgery." felix sighed in relief.

"alright, kiddo. wise choice." the doctor smiled at jeongin, "i'll give you medicine that will help you with your hanahaki."

"how come?" jeongin asked curiously.

"whenever you and your beloved talk or touch, you'll start coughing up petals. this medicine i'll give you, will help you not cough up petals every time you two have a contact. it lasts for a day." the doctor explained, "but be careful, these medicine are strong, that's why you'll be taking one every second day." he finished explaining and gave jeongin the medicine.

"alright. thank you, doc." jeongin smiled as he and felix stood up and walked towards the door, saying goodbye before exiting.


a/n: short chapter / filler ! also, felix is such a mood.

𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐇𝐀𝐊𝐈 , hyuninWhere stories live. Discover now