• !Meet The Character! • Prue •

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Prue Halliwell  is the eldest sister who initially receives the power to move objects with her mind by channeling telekinesis through her eyes. As the series progresses, Prue channels her telekinetic powers through her hands, and also gains the power of astral projection .which allows her to be in two places at once. Prue also develops martial arts skills and becomes an effective hand-to-hand fighter. She sacrificed a majority of her childhood to help raise her three younger sisters Piper and Phoebe, after the death of their mother Patty and the abandonment of their father Victor . Prue's sense of responsibility occasionally leads to clashes with the more free-spirited Phoebe, however, the two grow closer as the series progresses. Prue is regarded as the strongest and most powerful witch of the Halliwell sisters, as she usually takes charge of situations that involve demons and warlocks .

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