Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I have been here for about a week now and I spend most of my time with my dad or with Happy. Usually when I am with my dad, we talk about music and talk more about our lives and just getting to know each other. With Happy, we usually sit in silence most of the time but it's comfortable. Dad and Happy are out on club business and we are caught up in the office so I am sitting on one of the picnic tables when Lyla walks over. "Hey Emie." she says. "Hey Lyla." I say back. "You okay?" she asks. "I think so. Just so much shit swimming in my head and I can't seem to make heads or tails of it." I tell her. "Talk to me." she says. I take a deep breath and say "All this shit with my mom and being here with my dad. You guys have shown me more love and acceptance in one week than my mom did my entire life and I am so grateful for that." I tell her and she hugs me. "We're family sweetheart. Family is really important here." she tells me and I smile. "So, now, tell me about you and Happy." she says. "Nothing to tell. We basically just sit and enjoy the silence together. But it's strange. It's like the only time my mind slows down is when he's there. It's like he keeps me level." I tell her. "I get it. Look, he can be an intense person but if he's already getting this close to you, he'll protect you. He doesn't talk much but he's loyal and protective when it comes to family. He's a good person to have on your side." she tells me. "Good to know." I tell her.

That evening, it's quiet and I am sitting out at the boxing ring, leaning against one of the corner posts when my phone rings. Rolling my eyes when I see it's my mom, I answer and then wish I didn't. "When are you coming home?" she asks. "I don't know." I tell her. "I'm booking you a flight back home for tomorrow. You need to be on that plane." she tells me. "Mom, I'm not coming back tomorrow. I want to know my dad." I tell her. "Fine. You ungrateful little bitch. You need to choose right now. Me or him because you can't have both of us." she tells me. I sit there shocked and she says "You need to choose. Are you going to choose him or me?" she asks. I feel the tears start to fall and I say "I guess since I'm so ungrateful, I choose him." I say before hanging up. Hanging my head, I start to silently sob. After I get myself somewhat together, I get out of the ring and head towards the clubhouse with my head down. I didn't see Happy outside until he softly grabbed my arm as I passed. "You okay Princess?" he asks. "Yeah. I think I'm just gonna head to bed." I say and try to pull my arm from his grasp. He turns me to face him but I don't look up. Picking me up bridal style, he carries me to one of the tables and cups my face, making me look at him. "Why are you crying?" he asks as he wipes the tears from my face. "I'm okay Happy." I say and try to get down. "No you ain't. Talk to me Princess." he says softly. "Mom called. Calling me an ungrateful bitch because I told her I wasn't leaving here tomorrow and she gave me an ultimatum. Said I have to choose between her and him." I tell him. "Shit. I'm sorry." he says and he steps between my knees and holds me close as I start crying again. As the tears fall, I whisper "I chose him." He pulls back and looks at me and says "You're staying?" I nod my head yes and he kisses my forehead and says "We got you Princess. We got you."

Happy is still standing between my knees, holding me close as I cry when we hear someone clear their throat. I look up and see my dad standing there smirking until he sees my face. "What's wrong?" he asks. Happy answers for me. "Her mom made her choose between you and her." Happy says. "Shit baby girl. Look..." he starts but I cut him off. "I chose you." I tell him and he looks a little shocked. "You guys have shown me more love and support in the week I've been here than she has my entire life. I'm not going back." I tell him. "That's okay right?" I ask. "That's fine Sweetheart." my dad says. I look up at Happy and he just nods. My dad leaves us alone for a few and I finally look at Happy and say "I'm gonna head to bed. I'm sorry or the breakdown." I say as I go to stand. He stops me. Tilting my face up to look at him, he says "I'm here anytime you need me." I nod and walk away. Walking into the clubhouse, I kiss my dad goodnight and head to my dorm.

Laying on the bed, I start to sob again. How could she do that? Making me choose like that. All of a sudden, my bed dips down and I feel arms wrap around me. Knowing who it is, I turn in his arms and curl into his chest and sob. He just holds me. Doesn't say anything. Just rubs my back and holds me. I must have dozed off because I wake up and it's morning and Happy is still in my bed, holding me close. I go to move and he tightens his hold. I whisper "I have to get up." He lets me go and I sit up, trying to wake up. He sits up next to me and asks "You okay?" I look at him and say "Yeah. I'm okay. Thanks for being here." I tell him. He doesn't say anything. He leans forward and kisses my cheek and says "I'll see you out front." I nod and he gets up and leaves to head to his own dorm.

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