Friends will be friends

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Shancai and Ah-Si had a lazy Sunday in bed. They were just cuddling and chattering after a breathtaking seductive night - it's so good to be young.

"Ah-Si, do you remember when we first met? All these misunderstandings at the beginning? And your quarrel with Lei. I didn't want to be blamed that I smashed the friendship of legendary F4 after you had beaten Lei at Sanya beach. I felt so guilty for that you and Lei had this fight though it wasn't me but just another misconception."

Shancai blabbered jauntily and revealed: "When we haphazardly met the other evening at the beach and I tried to convince you about your trustful friendship with the boys who will forgive sooner or later. How I begged you only to stay friends with me as well?"

"Hm" he moaned and answered "And do you remember what I told you about true friendship? And that a man and woman can never be friends?"

She replied chuckling "I know, I know. You pushed me down to the sand and kissed me so fervently that I almost couldn't get some air!"

"Haha" now Ah-Si was smirking. "I tried to explain to you that it was unacceptable to me. That I would be absolutely incapable of being only a friend of yours while I was so longing for you with every thread of my body and my entire soul. So literally I would have always felt like a wolf in a sheepskin in front of you."

Slowly she turned around in order to lay like spoons together.

He began again, now stroking her long black hair: "But I agree with you on the point that the basic of all relationship is trust which in the end means no lies. You must be able to rely on your friend and at last a friendship will bear and overcome every misconceptions and disputes. Furthermore it's so important not to lose contact and to talk frankly to each other. Well aside from this it goes for every other kind of partnership too."

He proceeded with his monologue. "I always have to think of that musketeer slogan: one for all - all for one! Do you know that motto?" He finally asked her, but she gave no answer.

He bowed to her and noticed she started to snooze again. He scanned her lovely face with her white flawless skin and pressed a fluffy kiss on her bare shoulder.

"Sleep on, my little sleepyhead" he whispered tenderly. Then he decided to get up and make some coffee. Cautiously he left the bed and covered her with the duvet.

Shancai instead wasn't deeply fallen asleep. She was in some state of dozing and daydreaming with her eyes closed. From far behind of her memory a similar dialogue came into her drowsy mind.

It was the day she met Lei on the rooftop of Mingde University after he had returned from his family in Taiwan.

At those days Ah-Si had nothing else to do as to spread immediately the news that they were now in an official relationship.

Therefore Lei had waited for her to say good-bye, but he did it in a very strange fatherly way. While thinking of that episode at this moment she was wondering why he acted so ceremonially then since they have been still meeting. Ah, now she got it again, it was the farewell to Lei's hooking them up as it was done from then on. How could she forget it.

She remembered to watch Lei leaving. And up to now she has been sure that she hadn't said these words aloud. "That's the moment when my first love turns into friendship".

It was miraculous, as if he could have heard that, Lei had turned to her again, twinkled with his eyes and showed his adorable smile for which a license should be obligatory.
And before he left the rooftop he mocked towards her: "You know very well, there is no real friendship possible between a man and a woman, don't you? Besides one of them is gay perhaps."

Author's note
Thank you for reading.
Pls forgive possible mistakes (tenses, et al.?) as I am not a native speaker.

In response to

Hope I did not forget anyone.
Credits to the owner of pics

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