Being perfect isn't as easy as it looks....

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NOTE ** This memoir/poem is based on some thoughts and things that I've been through and still am in a way.Luckily I'm dealing with them and moving on. Please be gentle when critiquing it. I just hope someone can benefit from this. This is my first work on here as well so I hope you enjoy.  my loves :) Follow me no twitter @swiftyfan16! **

being perfect isn't as easy as it looks.

it takes a heck of a lot out of you.

You always have to keep on smiling

keep on being friendly

keep on being nice

keep on throwing yourself into school to get your mind off yourself

keep on focusing on everyone else

keep on pretending like your barely keeping your head above water.

after awhile every inch of your life is affected

you try to be the perfect friend

the perfect student

the perfect son or daughter

the perfect you...

you start overanalyzing everything you say and do

you start planning out conversations with people your going to see just so you won't sound stupid

you start having meltdowns over not getting an A+++ on every assignment

you start thinking that maybe you should drop a few pounds so you can look as pretty  in those jeans  as those other girls do

you start thinking that maybe you should get contacts or have your teeth whitened so you fit in

you start staring in the mirror and picking at your thighs, at your stomach, at your nose, at anything

you start feeling like it's not okay to not be okay, like it's not okay being you

you start losing your grip and falling into the water

you feel like you can't breathe half the time and the other time you can't help, but almost bursting tears.

finally after all of this, someone grips your hand and starts to pull you up

you start to stop freaking out about not always getting a's on everything

you start to stop having to stare at yourself in the mirro

you start to stop being so afraid of who you are

you start not being okay

finally you start loving yourself....

** NOTE: I tried to kinda follow the process of what I've gone through. I know it's not the happiest, but I wanted to make it as real as possible. I feel we live in this world that is so obsessed with being perfect. I hope that at leaset person can be affected by this and realize that they don't have to be perfect. I tried to end it on a positive note. Please comment :) ***

Being perfect isn't as easy as it looks....Where stories live. Discover now