She Was Lost

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She was lost, kept going home to a family who lost its feeling, a school where her friends were slowly drifting away between her fingers.

She lived in a world where nothing made since, good people were dying and the killers lived to see another day, a world where humanity stopped fighting for their rights because their eyes are clouded with the phobia of judgedment.

Families are being separated physical yes , but we face a bigger threat, the loss of love in our own families.

The love that was so pure not many years before that a son would give up anything for his siblings, but now we know nothing better than greed and selfishness.

To look at a screen and block everyone out who isn't part of our so called followers.

The younger generation who smile today but cry tomorrow.

But what people don't notice is that we will always pay for hatred and diseases we fill our world with.

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