Frank's secrets. (FRERARD ONE SHOT.)

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•Franks POV•

I ran away from Gerard.

He saw my cuts.

My scars.

I ran to the woods and climbed the biggest oak tree I could find.. And I didn't even care if I fell anymore. I got to the top and looked down.

Shit, this was high.

I tried to calm myself down, but it didn't work. I started sobbing.. I had completely ruined our relationship. We were only 17 and had only been going out a few weeks and I'd ruined it.

Suddenly I heard his voice. It was a while away,

but he sounded desperate.

I tried to stop my raspy breathing by holding my breath as he came closer to the tree.

Now he was right under it, calling my name in his cute little voice.

I then quickly remembered I was still holding my breath and tried to quietly breathe out.. Which failed.

'Frankie.. I know you're up there. And if you don't come down then i'm coming after you. You can't stay up there forever.'

Oh my god. He called my Frankie.

He'd NEVER done that anymore.

I couldn't resist. I quickly came down.. Probably a little too quickly. The moment I came down he lifted me off his feet and hugged me tight.

'i don't care if you cut or not, you are still MY Frankie.. And I will be there for you until we get old and grey.'

Before I could say anything he kissed me directly on the lips.

And at that moment I knew everything would be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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