The Accidental Dream

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The sun peeped through the transparent window,substituting the veils of with its rays. Karishma grabbed her bag,tied her sandals and ran towards the bus stop.

"Wait Shama! Finish your breakfast. When will this girl listen? She's already nineteen,yet she is so thin." Karishma's mother shouted with her left  hand on her head and with  the plate of parathas in her right hand.

Karishma jumped into the bus. She walked into her classroom,just to find it empty. A tired Karishma leaned on the table and attended the class just after her body had hardly rested and calmed down.

Karishma returned when the clock struck one and removed her sandals,brushing the orange stain out of her dupatta."Sorry Ma! I was running late.The bus would have left, if I had delayed myself." an apologetic Karishma answered. "But at least you should have finished your breakfast. Look at other girls. They are so healthy. Health is wealth." "I will finish my breakfast from the next time." said Karishma.

The clock struck ten,Karishma departed for dinner. "Don't forget to finish your meal.I have given you as much as it is required for a nineteen year old to eat." Karishma's mother said,still glaring at her with angry eyes. "Okay." responded Karishma.

Karishma flipped into her bedsheet and slept.When she opened her eyes,she saw unknown faces, unknown figures calling out to her "Save us,save us" , all clad in white fuming gaseous clothes. "But how can I save you?" a puzzled Karishma asked. "Yes,you can, because you are the chosen one." Karishma opened her eyes . "Oh! it was a dream. What a wierd dream!" "Let me see what's the time." Karishma said to herself.  "Five minutes to go for seven.Oh! I have to get ready for college."

Karishma got up from the bed,dressed herself up,drank a glass of juice and was completely ready for college except for the breakfast which was nothing but incomplete.She offered her apologies on reaching home.

Again that night when she opened her eyes she could seeto see the same people with white fuming clothes ,calling out to her "Save us Princess. Save us." "But how?I am not a Princess. I am a nineteen year old girl.I am not a saviour," said Karishma. "But you have to fight. She has to fight." said a woman,old enough to be in her seventies. "What are you all talking about? " "Yes you have to. The meekest will become the strongest."On witnessing Karishma's surprised face,a man with a white fuming hat said "What we want to say is that we need your help.Only you can help us.We are spirits um...we are people like you except for these white fumes um...we can be your friends." "But you are different from me." Karishma said "You look like airy,gaseous creatures having no feet and I don't know you. Wait, am I dreaming? " Karishma said,looking at the old man."Yes you are" the old man said with a glisten in his eyes. "Only you can. We are talking with you in your dream because this is the only thing that we can do." "We are trapped and even you can be..." the lady said with a worried face. "What we want to say is that you can help us and yes you will not be trapped." said the man. "But how can I?Wait, what if you turn out to be evil? My mother says that even evil spirits can talk with one in dreams .By the way I have always considerd it to be a folklore." "You will discover.Afterall it is just a dream.Nothing to worry about.See you tomorrow." "But how can I help you?" "We will take your spirit out." the man said with a laugh. "But I do not want to die." said a scared Karishma. "Just when you are asleep. Its a dream afterall."Karishma opened her eyes. "Oh The same dream.Its already seven. I got to get ready for college."

The same order again followed. Again Karishma slept.When she opened her eyes,she saw the same fuming gaseous people smiling at her as if welcoming her.The man with the fuming hat came towards Karishma " Welcome Karishma.Can you help us?" "Fine.It is a dream afterall." "So,excited to see your spirit come out of your body? Karishma smiled. The spirits put forward their hands and pulled her spirit out of her body. " Eager to see yourself?" The man with the fuming hat asked and smiled. "Yes." answered Karishma. "Now look down" the man said signalling her with his eyes to look downwards. "What? Is that my body?" Am I dreaming or am I dead?Have you killed me?" asked a scary Karishma. "No,we have not killed you. You still have three-fourth of your spirit inside your body. We have just taken out one-fourth of your spirit out." said the man with the fuming hat."Take it as a dream." "Okay." said Karishma. "A time travel." "Really? Are you sure? Time travel!Seems weird. Well,where is your machine?" asked Karishma. "We will show you. But before showing,let me tell you that  you are a Princess,uh,like let us assume that you are a Princess. What about,for instance say Princess of Sher de Ral!" asked the man. "Okay.Now that sounds quite fascinating. Now if its a dream,then its fine." "So are you ready for the ride? Just sit here." The man pointed at an airy white fuming stool behind her and a woman with a French braid came towards Karishma and held her hand.

Karishma still sitting on the stool passed through a tunnel of multicoloured walls and landed in a classroom. "Hi.I am Aniket" a voice said.Karishma looked beside her and saw nobody. "Can you please follow the steps written on the paper which is on your table? I need your help." "Okay" said Karishma. "Form silicon dioxide,two hydrogen and one oxygen atom.Also prepare nitrogen,carbon-dioxide and noble gases." "You have to form these components and that too perfectly."said the voice.

What is it? Is it a dream or is it actually happening? Who are the fuming gaseous creatures? Are they evil?Why are they calling her Princess and telling her to save them. Who is Aniket? Is it a time travel or just a dream?Is it the beginning of something new or just a 'normal dream.' What happens next?Stay tuned and connected to know what happens next.Second chapter will come out soon.Till then Thank you and Goodbye.See you soon.....

#Hey guys,I am Kashmira.Please like,vote and comment on my story.I hope to hear you soon.

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