The stranger

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"But it is not written here." said Karishma. "But you have to or else you cannot help anyone,not even yourself."  said Aniket "What? I am not a scientist.I have no idea regarding all these things." said a worried Karishma. "But you have.Its the only way. screamed Aniket. " I mean,I am just telling you." said Aniket,in a modest voice.

"Hey,you can use the apparatus which is below your table." said Aniket. Karishma stooped and took the apparatus and put it on the table.

Karishma started preparing the compositions.Once,twice and thrice,she could not prepare the composition."I can't" said a tired Karishma. "I know you can" said Aniket.Karishma smiled and went on to prepare the composition and finally she did!

A few drops of water fell on Karishma's head. Karishma looked up- nothing, looked right and left- nothing! and then looked down- yet nothing. " Hello" said a voice from the corner. An olive colourd boy with a lean frame sat in a corner and greeted an amused Karishma.

"Thank you, you have broken the wall, the invisible one, um, or better say you have made me visible,' said the boy.

"Nice to talk to you . You're witty but could have been more modest. Well, don't mind just a suggestion." said Karishma with a straight face.

"Well hi, I am Aniket and I am an Btech student. " the boy said, with a calm tone. "Even I came here like you, on a time machine." said Aniket. WIthout responding, Karishma tuned her head to the left (Not because she saw something,but just because the explanation was annoying. "I am not joking, I'm serious. I have been sent here to help you, so that you can help others." said Aniket . Seeing that Karishma wasn't convinced , he continued "I might be a spirit, who knows?Aniket said in a sophisticated manner and ended the sentence by tilting his lips downwards plus by giving a slight nod.

"Can't say" said Karishma with a sigh. "By the way, I am Karishma." said Karishma. Both of them shared a handshake.

Aniket handover the paper lying on the table near Karishma. Both of them looked at the paper as words automatically appeared on it from nowhere. "Create a time machine" Thats it! That was all that was written. " How did this happen?...all these words and what the hell is this? Do time machines exist? Or do I need to make a stool? What? A stool? Even if yes, then why would I?" a shocked Karishma went on grumbling. "Haven't you seen time machines in sci-fi films? Do they look like stools?" asked an unimpressed Aniket. "Not stools. But definitely chairs in some of them" clarified Karishma. "Thats great! and this is how words appear on papers....automatically,atleast here. On completing one step, the next step will appear automatically." said Aniket. "By the way do you see a paper on my table." Aniket continued, pointing towards the corner. "I've got a few steps in order to help you out. So lets begin!" 

Hey guys this is the second chapter of "The Girl With The Golden Veil". Don't forget to catch the first chapter " The Accidental Dream."

So what is going on right now? Do time machines exist? What will Karishma and Aniket do with it? And from where did the words appear on the paper? Most importantly-who is this stranger?Is it correct to trust him. Is he a friend or a devil in disguise? Stay connected and put your views in the comment section below.

P.S.-Hey guys! Hope you will enjoy.

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Take care:-)

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