Stranger Things

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She kept her head down, her hood covering her face and her hands shoved into her pockets. She was covered in rainwater and the wind nipped at her face as she trudged on, but she didn't mind. The wind and the rain didn't stop for her, so why should she stop for them. People huddled in nearby stores and cafes, anywhere that was dry and away from the rain while she paid no mind to the cold water that soaked her clothes. 

Who was she?

Her name was unknown to anyone but herself, her real name anyways. People couldn't settle for someone with her reputation not having a name, so others had taken it upon themselves to name her. They had come up with many names; Hell's hound, The Reckoning, Death's breath, Killer. She was pretty sure the last one was an insult though. She had liked the name Death's breath but did her opinion matter? No, not in the eyes of the public anyways, there was a name that was far more popular among the people that knew her name. Bloodshot.

Yes,  it had seemed cliche at the time, and it still did at times, however, it had grown on her. And yes, there were times that she wished that her infamous name was something else, but in the end, it stuck with people and that's all that she wanted. For people to remember her name every time they committed a crime and fear the thought of her coming to repay them for their sins. That's all she wanted and that was all she needed.

There were of course rumors that popped up surrounding her mysterious past and some were rather absurd. Despite popular belief, Bloodshot was actually a female, not a male. They also said she was a monster; whether they meant she was a monster physically or through her actions, she knew not. They were correct in guessing that Bloodshot was a monster though. 

Bloodshot's species were called Myths and they tended to look a lot like some animals that lived on the surface; wolves, coyotes, and birds were the more common myths. Bloodshot was a rabbit myth, her body was covered in black fur, her paws were white. She stood at 5'6, had dull blue eyes, claws on each finger, sharp teeth, and sporting a bit of a bad temper. Scars littered her body from years of battle and fighting, but she didn't mind. The scars reminded her of who she was and what she had done in life to get where she was. The most noticeable scar was on her face, it ran between her eyes and went down both sides of her nose, it reminded her of an upside down y. 

Bloodshot thoughtlessly lifted a hand and ran a hand over the scar, the memories behind it making her shudder slightly as she continued her march through the rain. That day was the day she found there was a little more to her job than she had thought. She grits her teeth together and yanked her hand away from her face and shoved it angrily into her pocket. She didn't need to be thinking about that right now, not now. There was time for thinking later. 

A figure walking coming down the street came close to bumping into her, but she pivoted her foot and stepped around him, turning around and looking at him. He had turned around and was apologizing for nearly bumping into her. "Sorry 'bout that, I was trying to get to the bar and I was thinking so much, I hadn't paid attention." Bloodshot nodded her head, accepting his apology. She turned to leave when he called out once more, "I'm sorry, I hate to just apologize and leave, would you mind joining me for a drink? I'm by myself tonight and drinking is always a little bit better in good company." Bloodshot paused, her ears pricked underneath her hood, "I'm going to have to decline your offer, but thank you. It means a lot that you would offer." She grinned and walked away before he could say anything else. 

He was nice, too nice. Bloodshot reached the end of the block and paused, he hadn't even bumped into her and was offering to buy her drinks? A complete stranger? That was way too friendly by her standards. Whatever. It wasn't her problem now and if he did cause trouble later, she would find him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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