1. King Robert

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I walked warily through the long halls of Winterfell. The empty and long halls made me miss the days when my father needed not go to King's Landing. Well he did not need to today, either.

Today was the day the King was arriving. I was anxious and scared. I touched the stone wall, it was warm in my surprise. I drew my fingers with the wall as I walked in my dark dress. My black furred direwolf pup was tailing me. I called her Shade because she walked quietly everywhere and followed me like a shadow.

I hummed on my own the Rains of Castamere. It seemed proper only because the Lannisters were coming as well. I walked silently as a ghost, no one could here me approach. My blue eyes that in some coloring turned into a shade of lilac searched for safety. I didn't really know what I was looking for.

"Lya," I heard my father's low growl from behind me. I turned around and caught him glancing me like he was going to lose me. I frowned gently and Shade barked brightly. I sushed her.

"What is it father?" my question was answered by a soft smile on my father's old face. He sighed tiredly and gestured for me to walk to him. I did as he asked. The direwolf followed me still sensing my fear. I walked as graceful as I was able.

"They are here soon, take your fur and come to us." I nodded and walked past him. I went with Shade to my bedroom, it wasn't much. It looked like a tiny cave but I liked it. I took my fur and placed it on my shoulders. I walked to the door and glanced at Shade. She cocked her head to me and I scoffed.

"Don't pout. I'll be back soon," I said as I closed the door behind me.

I walked briskly outside where father, mother, my sisters Sansa and Arya, and brothers Rickon, Robb and Bran. I pulled my fur closer and walked next to Robb. With a tiny bump I caught his attention. He raised his brow at me and smiled.

"What?" he asked and I just directed my eyes in front.

"Nothing," I said calmly. I had a dark and deep shade black of hair and my eyes deep blue. They were so dark that sometimes they'd look black or a very dark brown.

I inhaled deeply as I saw the royal prince ride up. I noticed Sansa smiling at him and Robb glaring at him. This wasn't a good start. Then came some of the soldiers and a coach that carried probably the queen and the royal children. Then came king Robert. He rode after the coach and everyone kneeled down. I was shocked that the king was fat. And red faced. He signaled us all to rise and all did.

"Your Grace," father said and looked at the king. Everyone was waiting and looking in turns Ned and the king. I was tapping my fingers inside my cloak against my thigh.

"You've got fat," Robert said to him. Then after a tiny stare from Ned they both started laughing.

"Cat!" the king took my mother into a warm embrace. She was surprised and her calm and cold face turned into a surprised one.

"Your Grace," Catelyn responded and Robert drew from the hug.

"Nine years. Why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?"

"Guarding the North for you, Your Grace. Winterfell is yours."

My eyes went to the queen who now was coming out of the coach. Cersei Lannister, or Baratheon, was her name. My eyes were locked just for a moment with Cersei's. When I looked at her I could sense the despise. Then came the other royal children. King Robert was talking to Robb and then he walked in front of me.

"You are a true beauty. You remind me of your aunt Lyanna," he said with a tone of longing. I knew that aunt Lyanna had been promised to him. That is why I smiled softly and thankfully with a curtsy. King Robert then went on to Arya. I caught the queen glaring at me once again. This wasn't the first time someone had said I looked like Lyanna Stark, father's sister. Besides the eyes they said I looked like her, like I was a copy of some sort.

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