Chapter Ninety Eight - Just what did I do?

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Leon woke with a groan, his head was pounding and his stomach ached.  His tongue felt sort of furry and there was a nasty taste lingering at the back of his throat.  Unable to open his eyes as the light beyond them seemed too bright, he tried to recall what had happened last night, but beyond drinking his first two cups of rice wine, something he had only drank when visiting Mino's family during dinner, his memories were too fuzzy.

He swallowed to try and moisten his throat and became slowly aware that he was in the arms of another.  Braving the piercing light, he glanced through narrowed eyes to the side of him and sighed with relief.  It was just Jin Li.  Still, he felt the rush of heat in his cheeks and became very aware of the youth beside him.  Of the breath that teased his neck, of the hard plains of his chest and of the arm thrown carelessly over his own body.

Taking a few breaths to calm his heart, he decided to try shuffle away, save them both the embarrassment of their position upon Jin Li waking up.  As he always tried to do before, as he was always successful in doing before.  So why not this time?

The moment he began to move his weary body and escape Jin Li's loose hold, the other's eyes snapped awake.  "Going somewhere?"

Leon froze and stuttered heavily an excuse; "Ah, I d-d-d-didn't m-m-mean t-to w-wake you.  J-j-just w-wanted t-to g-get up."

"Oh really?" Jin Li drawled as he lifted his head to rest upon the angled frame of his arm and hand, his other arm still across Leon's waist.  "So you have nothing you wish to say to me?"

"W-What d-do you m-mean?" Leon asked, unable to shift from Jin Li's tight hold.  "D-did I d-do something w-wrong?"

Jin Li's eyes narrowed and he slowly lifted his arm from Leon's waist, the latter inwardly sighing with relief and making a move to escape.  Only, that was not part of Jin Li's intentions and Leon suddenly found he was still flat on his back with Jin Li straddling and shadowing his body.  If his throat had felt dry before, it now felt parched like the ground after an endless drought.  Wide eyed and not even noticing his lack of clear vision, for now he only could envisage Jin Li, he pushed at Jin Li's unmoving body with his small hands.

"W-What are you d-doing?" Leon's trembling voice was little more than a whisper.

"I am trying to decide what this Lord ought to do with you," Jin Li replied.  Having successfully captured his alchemist, he was trying to ascertain whether Leon had really forgotten what he had done to himself the night before.  Having taken liberties, you dare forget?  How should this Lord remind you?  How should this Lord have you explain your actions?  As these thoughts ran through his mind, he noticed that the gem in Leon's throat was frequently moving up and down and he also began to notice an anomaly with the body beneath him.  His eyes began to trail down the helpless alchemist to where he noted it...

A loud knock upon the door and a yell disrupted Jin Li's thoughts as both men's eyes were drawn to the door.  "Jin Li, Leon, are you in there?" The cheerful voice appeared to resonate from Sun.  "It's time to leave, we've been summoned back to the Outer School.  Apparently all students have to attend some compulsory lessons.  Jin Li?"

Jin Li clicked his tongue and climbed off of his alchemist, adjusting his robes and tying his hair into a top knot.  Leon drew in several deep breaths, still trying to figure out what had happened as well as calm himself, before rolling out of bed and trying to figure out where his glasses were.  They were suddenly thrust into his hands, so Leon brought them to his face to catch a glimpse of Jin Li's strange expression, before it disappeared in favour of his usual arrogant one. 

"This Lord will let you off for now," he stated and spun towards the bedroom door where Sun and the two seniors awaited them.

A confused Leon followed in his wake, rubbing at his temples trying to ease his headache as well as try to recall what had happened the night before.  In the end, he shook away his thoughts, unable to pierce the veil covering his memories.

The three youths bid the seniors goodbye and returned to the outer school, where Jin Li and Sun were told that once breakfast was over, they must immediately attend Teacher Vane's lecture.  Jin Li scowled; they only had twenty minutes in which to eat then.

After breakfast, Leon was left alone, so sought a way to return to the Alchemist school.  As it happened, a griffin tamer was due to check on the stables there so offered the youth a ride on his personal mount.  The Male buck in question was huge, much bigger than the young griffins on which Leon had been safely stowed into a carriage upon their backs.  Leon questioned his resolve as he climbed the ladder onto the tamer's less than secure looking saddle.  The tamer laughed and teased him due to his timid reaction, but it was not long before they were on their way.

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