Intro to Chapter 9

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Because of magic we were betrayed

Because of magic we were enslaved

I wish I could go back to that hateful day

To stop the events that turned the world grey.



No one should be forced to do something they don’t want to do. I know from experience. The more you force it, the less we want it. Even when it is something that you only ever wanted to do. So it was with us.


Parameth was miserable. The entire people was confused, and tortured with thoughts, wondering with sorrow, over why their beloved princess, and only heir to the throne, remained ill. The girl had spent months on the brink of exhaustion despite what the physician had said, for there were many things that duty called for as a princess. Princess Rachel was sick and no one seemed to be able to explain it, or have the means to cure it. The King was searching for other means of help from the other countries, but he soon learned that all twelve kingdoms of  Mallea were in the same situation, with an incurable princess. There was now a proposal in which they would put all the miserable lass’s together in order to further chances of finding out what ailed them.

It wouldn’t work.


Chapter One

“Princess Remeria Thalassia of Eravia!” The page heralded and Mer walked into the room appropriately clad for the day, walking with the proper air of a born princess. The others were already there and she smiled weakly at the all too familiar faces of the other princesses. It had been days since she and the other’s, excluding  Rachel, had arrived in Parameth and already she knew that this was a huge waste of time. They had suffered all sorts of poking and prodding by physicians and poor Rayne, or Raynera as was her true name, was unfortunate to have been pursued after by one of them. Thankfully, that physician had been dismissed before they could see the damage that that would have caused. She was feeling a little annoyed as the heralder once again had called her Remeria instead of the name that she preferred, Mer, she knew that formalities were very important to the people of Parameth, but it still frustrated her. She thought that surely the page would get his tongue twisted with all the names of the afflicted princesses. Twelve R Names. Wasn’t that frustrating? Would it be too much to ask to be called Mer? Apparently. Her long red hair was perfectly coiffed, but the pins were bothering her, and thus leading to her frustrations. These girls that she had grown to love over the years were her dearest friends and she took solace in the fact that they all had enough respect for one another to call each other by the names that they each liked making it a bit easier on their poor minds on tongues to differentiate who was who. Mer joined Reverie on the floor against the wall and sighed grateful for a chance to sit down. Her feet ached and so did every other muscle in her body. All the girls were the same way. All the Kings lamented on the lethargy of their normally energetic girls.

“Good Day Mer, Reverie” Radria said as she settled in next to them. We both halfheartedly mumbled our good days as the newest physician entered the room. We all braced ourselves together. For another endless day of torment, and an inescapable torture in the night.


Chapter Two

Mer groaned as she donned the ballgown she knew she must wear to her horrible night. Her hair higher than normal and that put her in an extremely bad mood, even less of a good one than she had been before she had put it up formally. Reeanne came up behind her.

“Are you ready Mer?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be” Mer said trying not to take out her fury on the sweet girl who didn’t deserve it. Ani understood and she patted Mer’s arm trying to give what comfort she could, which meant a lot cause they were all giving up hope. The portal to receive them opened and she tumbled through it with the rest of them. The master would not be pleased if they were late and she did not want to pay those painful consequences of making the master angry. She landed next to Radix and Rebekah and Radix helped first Rebekah and then Mer to their feet. Mer managed a grateful smile and they trudged through the forest of silver, the vineyard of gold, and the diamond cave before coming upon the castle. Such things had awed Mer and the other girls once, but had lost their beauty and she felt no happiness of seeing the terrible pieces of scenery that they passed each night, for it was every night now. It had not been so frequent once, but now they had no rest increasing their physical and mental exhaustion. In all honesty, they had no choice in the matter, and even the fearless Remeria had lost all hope.

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