Chapter 1

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" Olive get up!!!" The care taker of the orphanage whisper yells at the door of my room. Her name is Meg: she is old, short and plump like a peach. " And don't forget to wake the kids up!!!" She says walking off. She is too lazy to do it herself and the kids are scared of her anyway so since I'm the oldest at 16 I basically take care of them apart from the cooking and stuff.

I get changed quickly into a pare of high wasted black jeans. I tuck in an old thick-ish grey t-shirt and a thick dark blue plaid shirt with the buttons undone so it looks like jacket-thing. I quickly look at myself in the mirror, I start at my feet which has old second hand vans on ( I spent moths saving up for them ) go up to my long legs, I then look at my full body which is tall and curvy I skip my face and go straight to my long wavy lilac hair. Yes you read wright lilac, it's natural I ain't got anything else to say about it. At first when I was younger it was black but then it started turning lilac when some like Harry Potter shit started happening. And no I don't mean wands and wizards or Hogwarts, I mean glass disappearing when I touch it and other stuff. But that has happened to everyone wright... well that's what Meg says.

I leave my room, I have my own room since I'm the eldest everyone else shares one big room. I walk threw the stuffy dimly lit corridor, it isn't hard to know your way around since there are only four doors in the upstairs corridor. One is my room then the kids room a bathroom and Megs room. I have never been in cause I don't wanna see any of her lingerie she wears for her "Husband" that comes in ones a month.

I walk into the room to see a bunch of unfamiliar faces. Are orphanage is bit different from the others, we get a knew batch of kids every 2 months there usually about 30 children if you aren't adopted in that time you get sent to another orphanage to get more opportunity. I was sent to about four different orphanages before I came back here and I haven't left since. " Wake up kids!!!!" I shout, they all look up at me. " I'm Olive and I will basically take care of you! You need something you come to me!" I instruct " What do you do if you need something?" I ask them

" Come to you!" They all yell back

" Do not go to Meg! She's scary." I say and they all giggle slightly. " Don't worry I won't byte." I reassure them cause I always seem a bit scary at first. " Ok breakfast is downstairs in the dining room you all got the tore yesterday, if any of you need the bathroom it's across the hall!" I make way for them at the door, they all get up quickly and sprint down the old, creaky, wooden stairs.

I'm about to follow suit when I feel a little tug at my jacket-think.

" Miss Olive?" Says a sweet voice of a young girl, I turn around and kneel to the height of the little girl.

" Yes?" I answer simply

" Why is your hair so pretty?" She asks grabbing a piece of my hair and playing with it.

" I don't know, why are you so pretty?" She is to mesmerized by my hair to notice I've spoken.

" Can I have it?" She asks hopefully. I shake my head in response and she pouts but continues to play with my hair.

I look out one of the windows of the big room to see a crow picking a baby birds eyes out.

Poor birdy, it doesn't deserve that.

I look at the crow in anger and discussed, with my eyes stuck on it's every move. The crow continues it's actions only making me more angry.

Next thing I know the crow is replaced by a puff of black feathers.

Did it just explode? What?

I catch my reflection in the window to see my green eyes and lilac hair are both glowing.

What the...?

I get up and quickly run to my room.

" What just happened?" I mutter pulling at the roots of my hair.

You exploded a crow that's what just happened!!!!!

Ok!!! Just calm down!! Breath in and out, in and out.

Ok, ok, ok!!!

I decide I should just go and have breakfast with everyone else. On my way down I see a set of yellow eyes threw that same window.

It's just your imagination you always see yellow eyes after these things happen.

After breakfast the day goes the same as it normally was, I play with the kids, read, have lunch and dinner.

I'm about to go to bed when there is a nock on the door.

Maybe Meg's "Husband". Huh he came early.

I think, as I go down in my pajama shorts and vest. I reach the bottom of the stairs to see Meg's already answerd it. I usually answer it, what's going on?

Her and what I think is a man talk in hushed tones in what seems to be a heated discussion.

I listened closer to hear meg whisper, " Are you shure she's ready?"

" Yes, I am." Says a deep voice.

I move closer making the stupid floor board creek. Meg's head shoots up looking at me, behind her the door slowly opens to reveal... yellow eyes?

Ok what do you think? I'm pretty exited for this story and it's bit less morbid then A dead soul, so yeah.

Hope you liked it and vote

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