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↠ She woke up to the smell of smoke... something like burnt oil just a few feet away. She scrunched up her nose in disgust, wiping the grogginess off her eyes with the back of her right hand.

Then, she heard it: A low echoing moan, almost haunted. A sound so deadly it sent a shiver down her spine. She froze in place, suddenly aware of her surroundings.

She could feel the cold, hard surface her back was against; rock. Just pure, rough rock. It was covered in dirt and leaves.

She finally opened her eyes to find herself laying on the cold ground of a dark, odd hallway.

She put all of her weight on her elbows as she pushed herself off the ground and into a sitting position. She looked down at herself to find a large compound bow sitting on her lap, a climbing axe right next to it.

She inspected the two objects, confused and then she stood, turning in a full circle, taking it all in.

Where the hell was she?

She could see walls sideways, covered in ivy and made up of stone. Directly in front of her, a long hallway which split into two different corridors at the end. She turned her head to find another wall right behind her, connecting with the walls to her left and right. She followed the wall, with her eyes, all the way to the top. It seemed to be hundreds of feet tall, and apparently, there was no roof on top of her; just the clear sky.

She couldn't see the sun, but from the angle of the shadow that the wall to her right casted, and the purple-ish color of the sky, she could tell that it was about 6 or 7 p.m.

But she had no idea were she was. Much less how she had gotten there; she only knew that she needed to find her way home.


She then realized that she had no idea where that was. She tried to remember; nothing. She tried remembering how it was that she got to... wherever she was; again, nothing. Then realization hit her, hard. There was nothing to remember, literally, nothing at all. At least not about herself or anyone else. She didn't even know who she was. But she could remember riding a bike, and watching a movie. She could remember making snow angels and swimming in the ocean. But not with who, or when, or where. It was like she could only remember... remembering. How could she remember all about how the world worked but nothing about herself? How could that be possible?

Her calm, steady breathing was disrupted by the sudden panic that attacked her. She started hyperventilating; this painful feeling in her chest, like she couldn't breathe, was forcing her to take sharp, abnormally quick breaths. She was shaking violently and couldn't seem to regain control over her breathing, so she closed her eyes, and began counting to ten. She could feel and hear her heartbeat's rapid rate steadily increasing. She forced herself to gulp and concentrated on her breathing: Inhale, exhale. Shaky breaths entered and escaped her lungs. She could feel her heartbeat returning back to normal and her body become less tense. When she got to ten, she was back to breathing normally.

Opening her eyes, the only thought in her mind was that she had to find a way out. She had to find answers.

She grabbed her bow, slinging it over her shoulder as she started walking towards the wall to her right, carefully reaching out to it. She felt the thick ivy and rough stone. She turned her head to the left: The hallway stood ahead. She began walking down the long corridor, her hand never leaving the wall. The only sounds were her breathing and her careful, light steps echoing.

After a few seconds of walking, the wall she had her hand in came to an end. There were four possible ways; first, to her right, second, in front, third, to her left and fourth, back. The place she was in oddly reassembled a maze. Was that where she was? In a maze? The thought didn't leave her mind as she decided on continuing to move forward. While walking, her brain was searching all the possible explanations for the crazy situation she seemed to find herself in; her head was starting to hurt.

The Survivor ↠ The Maze Runner (editing)Where stories live. Discover now