The Nightmare ~Chapter I

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I was on a deserted street,walking alone in the night while listening to music when suddenly I saw a man standing some feet before me.

Normally I would say

-C'mon nothing's gonna happen-

but I don't know what, call it inner voice,carma or something told me to not pass through that guy. I turned and followed the road that was behind me.

That's when I saw another man just standing there.

-Crap- I told myself

-I hope that I'm overreacting-.

I continued walking until that guy blocked my way

-Going somewhere homo?- he said and stabbed me.HE STABBED ME RIGHT TO THE HEART.

And that's when I woke up.

Gasping and screaming my mum entered the room.

-Everything's fine hun?You scared me- she said while coming to check at me.

-Yeah everything's fine I guess mum,go back to sleep I'm ok-

While replying I got this bad feeling  that nothing would be ok despite my freshman day in High School

and the belief I had of a fresh new start.

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