Time to go back Princess

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Rhevere POV

Technically theres some mad man here saying I am his sister which is a little obvious because we almost look the same. I couldnt say much words . Technically I think Im safe with him than those strangers hovering up on me. But even if we were siblings , I couldnt trust him yet. Maybe he got some revenge plan on me , I dont know , weird things dramas cause me.

" Um hey back to earth Rhevere?" He shook my shoulders softly. okay here we go.
plan. A

" Im sorry but what is your name?" I asked him playing innocently as well as trusting him. I just dont know him yet.

" Leferome Norah  " he replied as his blue orbs stare at me.
" I miss you too much princess!" he grabbed me by my waist  which just happened recently and and and  He kissed me.!His sudden movement made me gulped.
His soft lips peck my pink ones. Ohmy--

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" That was my first kiss! Fudge. I couldnt help but blush.

" A greeting? Its normal dont worry. After all were siblings , arent you happy your brother is here?." He defended.
This guy pisses me off. somehow. MY FIRST KISSS ARGH.

" Hahaha youre blushing Rhevere ,so cute." I smack him imto his chest.

"Shame on you." Technically i think i can trust my own brother. But this brother is not i expected to be. Oh come on he s gorgeous. 

shut up subconscious

Then a limo appeared right in front of us.
I didnt notice people were looking at us. It was crowded.

Oh yeah , I were in a magazine and he is an outstanding handsome person standing here idiot.

" Come on get in." I followed him into the limo. Heck why is he a rich guy?. Just who brings a limo in this town? I followed my brother but I dont know him yet. What am gonna do in my life.

" Where are we going?"I asked.

" Home of course. Sis just what are you thinking? You are going to see your true family now we miss you alot. Its the time to go back Princess."

"But Im not ready yet. Stop the car" I commanded the driver and he followed me.  I stepped out the limo and found myself just nearby the house.

" Norah if you need to call me , here is my number. As i have loads to do." He stepped out of the limo and accpeted it. But before I let him speak anything. I litterally kissed him. Just so I can express how I love my him as my brother which is a bad greeting that came over me

ugh stupid brat of me.

Then I just said

" Bye" And turned around.  As soon I come inside the house , my thoughts winning over me.

Just who am I?

Thanks for reading , Iknow my chapters are short but Still thanks readers.

So what do you think will happen?
Leferome hmm

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