Chapter 2

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Melanie p.o.v.

Beep,beep,beep.Oh stupid alarm clock,where are you?What time is it?Oh my gosh its 8:30! I have to get ready.I only have 30 minutes left,no time to loose.

*******************skip the bathroom routine***********************

ok so now i am on my way to the meeting, i hope it goes well.

****************skip the taxi drive*******************

Harry p.o.v.

"Hazz,wake up"my boo bear said."5 more minutes boo bear"i said kind of sleepy."But you have to go to the meeting".'wait what meeting?"i asked now fully awake."Oh the meeting the management scheduled  for you because of all the stunts you pulled ever since taylor dumped and wrote a song about you"

"Hey it was not my fault, she was the one that broke my heart"i said defending myself."well it kinda is both your fault"my boobear snapped at me."ok well are you going to wake up,or do i have to pour a bucket  of ice on you to wake up"

"no"i said quickly."well get your ass up and hurry" 

so as quick as lightning i rushed to the loo(bathroom)and did my normal routine:take a shower,brush my teeth,quickly get dress.

"Finally you are finish"my manager Sara said quite annoyed."hurry lets go'she said while pulling my arm to the limocine that was waiting for us ."why is management having another meeting again"i asked quite annoyed that everytime i am the only one who either breaks a rule or simply get threaten to be keeped off the band.

what did i do now?

Melanie p.o.v

As i entered the room,all eyes were one me.Then everyone turned their attention back to Tony the management leader and might i say also the scaries human being i have ever met.As i was about to sit down this guy came in the room with a lady that had quite alot of make up and looked in her mid-forties. right on his trail.He had messy/curly brown hair,green eyes and was quite tall and  had dimples  and looked around my age and might i add looked quite good-looking.

So as the curly haired boy sat down the meeting began and everyone got quiet."Ok so lets get straight to the point"tony said " you "

"I have a name you know Tony"the boy that now that you think of  it was so familiar snapped."oh of course and might i add has been in every single gossip blog,magazine etc"Tony said quiet furious and upset."Harry this is the 10th time you got us fixing your mess"

"i know and im sorry"harry said and he continued"and i promise it will never happen again"."sorry but i dont accept that apology because everytime you apologize you do the same thing over and over again and you leave me no choice"

"i leave you no choice but to what kick me out of the band"harry said."no i wont kick you out of the band but""but what Tony?"harry said."i cant keep paying and fixing your mess and that is why i declare you harry and mis.melanie boyfriend and girlfriend."

"What no"we both said in unsion."i have not done anything wrong"i said."i know mis.winterroth but harry my good friend signed a contract you see and you did also so that means you are ours and dont worry you guys will only date for 12 months and if you dont do it we can sue and turn your whole reputation from americas sweetheart to americas most hated'Tony said.

"Fine i will do it"i said now giving up on the conversation because i was clearly loosing."well i am glad we have whole thing figured out now do we"."yes we do"i said.

"so do i make myself clear that you can only tell your family about this".he said "can i tell the boys at least"harry said."yes course"but" why always the but"you have to sign this contract that we start you two as a couple and i bet you two will be bigger than Jelena". tony finished."oh i almost forgot to tell you two that the two of are moving in together so you two can make this look more believeable".

And with that the meeting ended and everyone existed the room and went their separate ways.

Well this will be the best 12 months of my life.(note the sarcasm)

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