30 ways to annoy max (by fang)

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30 ways to annoy max


1. tell her sam says it's over

2. when she asks why say,

3. "because your lesbo!"

4. book it after 3

5. lock max in closets

6. with the gasman (gazzy)

7. dye her clothes either black or really hot pink

8. watch her freak when she lookes into her closet

9. when max walkes into a room, say,

10. "quick, here she comes! hide it!"

11.when she asks what you were hiding, say

12. "i don't know what your talking about."

13. repeat as neccesary until she flips

14. tell max mrs. martinez wasn't her mom

15.when she asks who was, say

16."a big, white turkey!"

17.book it

18.lock max in a room with no windows

19.put nudge in there

20.ask her why she and gazzy were making strange noises in her room

21.run away before she slaps you

22.at takeoff, yell, " i believe i can fly!"

23. yell, "omg! erasers!"

24.when she sees none, shrug and say, " oh nevermind. it was you i saw coming."

25.fly away

26.when doing a vertical stack, bump into max, making her bump into fang, and say,

27."ooooh, love moment! i thought you were all over sam!"

28.book it.

29.start singing "max and fang sittin' in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g" until max flips

30.sing the song that never ends to max

"now were even." fang said. gazzy was looking over his shoulder. "yeah, you sure are." a voice behind them said. fang and gazzy turn to see max, rage fuming off her. " 'ello, madam. may i buy you a drink? perhaps some woter?" gazzy said in a perfect british accent. fang laughed whle max slapped gazzy upside the head. "screw you." she said. "now MOVE IT!!!!!" max screamed. fang and gazzy laughed as they left. max sat down and typed.

31. fang

32. fang when he's using common sense

33. fang when he acts like spock

34. fang and his fling for readheads.

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