ʟᴜᴄɪᴅ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs (YandereJevilxKindReader)

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You slowly woke up. You woke up feeling green grass underneath you. The grass was evenly cut when you looked at it. Then a house that was just white. The house was big and sitting there. The tress sway in the air. You walked towards it, opening the door. You heard someone humming a tone. You peeked over a chair.

No one.

"HELLO!" a voice called out. You turned around to see a purple and black jester. A grin across his face. He floated in front of you.

"oh! Hello, there!" You said smile at him.

"I AM JEVIL, JEVIL! YOUR!?" He asked you.

"Y/N!" you said, still smiling to him.  He smiled back to you. After you all talked to him. He seemed to make your dream real. He can make the things you want come true.

The next night, you woke up in same place. Jevil seemed happy when he saw you. He ran over to you and hugged you. Then you told Jevil to make someone.

"ANY WHO IS THIS SOMEONE,ONE?!" he asked, ready for his magic.

"my dream lover, they have brow-"

"NO! YOU ALREADY HAVE A LOVER, LOVER! ME!" Jevil said chuckling. You chuckled too.

"Jevil, your not mine lover, a friend of mine!" you chuckled. Then the sky turned dark. You slightly gasp and turned to Jevil.

"NO, NO! YOU LOVE ME! YOU WILL ALWAYS LOVE ME, ME!" he growled. He quickly picked you up and took you inside. You tried to wake up, no use.

He pin you on a couch and whispered.


Deltarune x Reader Oneshots ♡ (Request Are Close )Where stories live. Discover now