Part 1 Allie Jo

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"Hey!" I yell. I don't know who I'm yelling at I can't see them. But I was lying out on he concrete pad around hope springs. Hope springs eternal, if you want the full name with my face turned up to the sun, letting it press it's golden rays on my face. Later today, the sun will fry the skin right off your bones.

So I was lying here all peaceful. Quiet. No tourists, which are the worst kind of trespassers. Until suddenly I hear a crash, someone jumping into the water on the other side. I sit up real straight, lean forward, and watch as the girl glides through the water, fast as a sailfish. Her hair flows behind her like an fin and she flashes with color. I sit even straighter now why is she wearing regular clothes in the water?

Two hands grip the edge of the wall the surrounds the spring head, and she rises from the water. "Hey!" I yell again, recoiling from the ice-cold splatters. Water streams down her face, causing her to squeeze her eyes she pushes her hair back and pops her eyes open. They are black as midnight.

She smiles at me as she hoists herself out of the water, fully clothed in jean shorts and a black and purple T-shirt. "Hello to you," she says. I gape at her.

She's so pretty. Her long, dark hair shimmers with blue, reflecting the sun and water she leans her head to the side, grabs her hair into a twist, and squeezes the water out.

Pointing to the hotel, she asks, "would that door be open?" I nod dumbly.

She flashes her Colgate smile again and winks at me. I turn and watch as she glides up the lawn to the Meriweather. She barely pauses as she passes the do I and snatches a towel right off a cabinet.

Just as she slips into the side door, my brain starts working again and I want to call out the rules to her. No running. No diving. Towels must be checked out. She's broken every one of them. And worse, the side door she just went in is employ-

When I see her again, I'm going to have to set her straight. This used to be a five star hotel you can't be running around all splashing and grabbing things like that. But at the same time, she smiled as if she knew me. And when she winked, it was like she was including me in on a secret, just me and her.

Staring up at The Meriweather, I scan the hotel, but I see no movement, no sign of her in the windows. I look down at the concrete where she just passed. Already, her footprints are disappearing.

Please remember this book is not by me it is originally by Danette Haworth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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