Avocado toast and Red Camillas

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Chapter 1

The sun slowly rose on the horizon of the street and the roads began to buzz as people got to work. Uniform clad school children laughed and joked around with each other as they made their way to school. Most people were happy and not contemplating their life decisions; unlike our protagonist. On a balcony overlooking the scenery stood a petite girl that tenderly carressed a rusted key that hung around her neck. She smiled fondly at the neighbourhood children and turned around when she heard her roommate come out of his room.

"Oh! Didn't know birds lived on your head.", She smirked and quickly hid the key out of sight."Goodmorning to you too, scoundrel", her roommate, Mika, yawned as he ran his fingers through his bed hair in an attempt to make it presentable.

She gasped in fake offence and placed a hand on her chest, "How dare you?.... Well, to be fair I am illegally beautiful", She winked. Mika rolled his eyes and lugged himself to the kitchen expecting to eat some cereal and go to work but his plans were quickly disrupted but the wafting smell of something burnt in the air. He looked at the table where a slightly charred avocado toast was waiting for him.

".....Oh ...you made breakfast...", He cautiously took a step closer and peered at it from a safe distance. With closer inspection, the avocado was cut in different lengths and sizes and what he deduced were eggs were overcooked, fortunately, the bread didn't look half bad as it wasn't burned to a crisp ....at least not all of it. The smell of charcoal was pungent. "Is it poisoned in any way?", he asked unsurely.

With a raised eyebrow in response, he sighed but tasted it nonetheless. Maybe because it would be rude not to or maybe because of the fact he hadn't eaten dinner last night and his stomach would've hated him for the rest of the day if he didn't consume food immediately, either way, his taste buds didn't enjoy the adventure. The YouTube-taught chef stared intently at him, waiting for his opinion, "I saw a thread banger video for it."

It tasted like uncooked noodles dipped in charcoal with spongy pieces of egg, the saving grace was the avocado which was still fresh and cool to his dying taste buds. He looked up at his roommate and tried to give her a smile, "It's ....interesting?..a bit burnt but survivable""It's a disaster, isn't it?", she chuckled, she knew she wasn't the best cook but she hoped that she could at least do this correctly, "It's fine, you don't have to finish it..."

Frantic, Mika shook his head "No, no! It just needs less time by the fire and maybe a bit more salt. Ava, it's....", he swallowed the rest quickly, panting slightly at the quantity, "..Delicious", he added with a wavered smile.

Ava smiled, this was what usually happened whenever she cooked for Mika, "You're gonna be late~", she informed in a sing-song voice while turning back to her balcony view, "It's 8.30.". She didn't need to turn around to know Mika had frantically rushed back to his room. He doesn't get much sleep usually so when he finally does Ava would just let him be.

"Thanks, havefunbesafe. Bye!", he shouted as he went zooming down the stairs.When she heard the main door close, her smile dropped. 'That was close', she thought as she glared at the key in her hands. Most of her wanted to throw it away; she wasn't going to use it anyway, but she knew there was a part of her that would regret doing so. The small part of her that wanted to use it again and see what she left behind. She clutched it in her palm, unsure because of the anger of having it or fear of losing it. She sighed for what felt like the third time today and went to her room which was across from Mika's.

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