Chapter 1

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(Edited: 21/2/20)

Ira was lounging in what was left of the lair as Marmo went out to find Bel a hamster cage when a pile of black smoke accumulated in the middle of the room. He watched it with lazy curiosity as the form of a girl appeared in the, now, dispersing the smoke. Ice cold (e/c) eyes scanned the room and stopped momentarily as the pair made eye contact.


"Ira we're back," Marmo walked into the room with a hamster cage, neutral colours oddly, and a small mouse Bel inside it. "How was it-?" Marmo cut herself off with a blink at the girl. "Who's this?" She asks. Bel breaks free from his containment and his little mouse body made a bowing motion before the girl, blabbering something incoherent. Her eyes narrowed to him.

A hand dragged swiftly through her (h/l) (h/c) locks with a flick as she leant down to the ground. "Bel, is that you?" She asks with a deadly monotone voice. He tensed up.

"Yes, Empress (Y/n)." The mouse replied.

"What poor tragedy lead you to this state?" She asks as if she had emotions. Her voice would say otherwise.

"Defeat, Empress." He replied, honestly, but with shame. The 'Empress', as Bel called her, sighed and stood to her full height, roughly around Ira's height actually, give or take a few inches.

She snapped her fingers and in a flash of black smoke, Bel was back to his old form, kneeling before her as the mercenaries had once done with the King. "You always did have a habit of getting into trouble." She says, much as if they were once friends. "Raise your head."

Bel looks her in the eye, as silently requested, and she tilts her head.

"You've changed a lot since I was here previous," she observes, eyebrows raising past her bangs.

"It's been thirteen years," Bel replied. "Thirteen years... so you were twenty-three when I last saw you, you're thirty-six now, I believe." The Empress turns to Marmo. "Which makes you Marmo, you were fourteen last I saw you," she then turns to Ira. "And you're Ira, I haven't seen you since you were a baby." She smiles.

"I'm lost," Marmo says.

"Uh, yeah, who is this?" Ira agreed. The Empress sighed but didn't look surprised.

"(Y/n) is Empress of darkness, daughter of King Proto." Bel introduced. It was silent for a solid thirty seconds.

"WHAT!?" Marmo and Ira yell together.



(Y/n) just smiles innocently and allows the younger two mercenaries to verbally attack the elder as she steps behind the bar of this... bowling alley, and helping herself to a drink. She managed to finish a whole glass of water before Marmo or Ira had stopped yelling at Bel, who normally wouldn't have taken it had she not been there.

"If you're done yelling at him, I'd like to be caught up on the last thirteen years." (Y/n) says.

"Uh, sure, I guess," Ira replied first. And so the story began.

"Oh, I see. Poor dear." (Y/n) says.

"That's... not how I'd describe your father." Marmo deadpans.

"Well, you don't know him as I do. He was once a very kind man, wouldn't you agree, Sir Bel?" she asks.

"Once," Bel replied. "Anyways."

"This Earth place sounds fun, let's go check it out!" In a similar fashion to the mercenaries, (Y/n) teleported to the ground of an unfamiliar world. She 'Ooh!'ed and 'Ahh!'ed at the sights childishly.

"E-Empress! You can't just go hopping around like that!" Bel exclaims, appearing beside her a few moments later.

"Why not? She's the Empress, right? She should be able to do what she wants." Ira replied, also appearing.

"Ooh! What's that?" (Y/n) asked, pointing towards a building.

"That's a school, where humans go to learn things," Marmo replies, appearing last.

"And Empress (Y/n)," Marmo took (Y/n)'s hands inter own and bowed to her. "It's a pleasure to have another woman around." (Y/n) was a little surprised at first, but smiled and pat Marmo's head before lifting her chin.

"Hold your head high," (Y/n) says. "And no one can bring you down. You are not servants to me, nor do you need to bow down to me, just think of me as your friend."

"Friend..." Marmo repeated, slightly startled. She obviously had not expected this from the 'Empress of darkness'.

"Yes, ma'am!" Marmo says, standing back up straight.

"(Y/n) is fine," She replies. "Bel should know better than to be a suck-up, but I feel that's a personal thing."

Around the sun began to set in the sky, (Y/n) requested some time alone and found herself sitting on a large metal tower, the wind flowing through her (h/l) (h/c) locks as she pondered to herself. Coming to a decision, (Y/n) stood, and teleported away.

Ira hums as he steps out from his hiding spot. "I wonder where she went..."

(Y/n) opened her eyes to see the cheerful, warm colours of the kingdom she'd resided in for the past thirteen years.

"Your highness, what're you doing here?" She looked over at the guard pixies with a fond smile. "We thought you were summoned back home!"

"I was," (Y/n) replied. "But I have daddy's powers now, I can go wherever I want whenever." The pixies flew up to her, having around eye contact height.

"Won't this be bad?" One asks. Right, consequences. "I'm sure just a few hours every few days isn't too much trouble, that way I can check up on the kingdom."

"Good idea! We'll be safe with you watching out for us!" One of the guards says.

"Not that anyone's bothered to attack in the past thousand years." the second added.

"Hehe, that's true." the first rubbed the back of his had awkwardly.

"Now, I want to check on how the new buildings are coming along."

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