Chapter 2

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(Y/n) was swinging her legs off of the edge childishly and using a small device, a mobile phone as the humans called it, and exploring whatever the Earthlings and Splendorians found amusing.

"Is that one of those human devices? We never really understood them." Ira comments. "It's from the Clover Industry." (Y/n) replied. "Doesn't the Clover Industry own like half the companies in Sea Shell Bay?" Marmo asks. "Seems so." (Y/n) hums.

She found a source on the Glitter Force. A group of teenage woman who defeated her father. Didn't Bel's story mention the Glitter Force? Hm. Maya Aida, Rachel Hishikawa, Clara Yotsuba, Mackenzie Mack and Natalie Miller as Glitter Heart, Glitter Diamond, Glitter Clover, Glitter Spade and Glitter Ace respectively accompanied by Dina, a flying baby, Regina, Natalie's sister, and pixies; Kippie, Rory, Lance and Davi.

Interesting indeed.

(Y/n) disappeared, happy to find herself in a yellow and green covered bedroom. "Oh, I wasn't expecting a visitor," A soft voice says. (Y/n) turns to the girl matching the description of Clara Yotsuba with presumably a butler by her side. "May I help you with something?"

"Miss Yotsuba, I request a favour from you." (Y/n) starts, floating down to land swiftly on the floor. "That depends," The butler answered first. "Who are you?" He asked. "How rude of me," (Y/n) muttered. "Please accept my apologies, my names is (Y/n), I come from the shadowlands." she give a bow. "Shadowlands? Are you a mercenare?" Clara asks.

"Yes, however I have no intention of hurting anyone." (Y/n) clarifies. Clara was quiet, considering her before smiling. "Okay, follow me, let's have tea and we can talk." (Y/n) smiled at this and nods as she followed Clara, the butler walking behind her cautiously.

Once they got to the lounge, Clara and (Y/n) sat across from each other as the butler poured them cups of tea and stood by. "You wanted to ask a favour?" Clara prompted. "Yes, the 'lair' the remaining mercenaries and I are currently living in is falling apart, I request somewhere on earth to live. With the standing the mercenaries currently have on Earth, I am unsure they have the ability to manage stable lives on the planet."

"They need jobs." Clara acknowledged. "Bel and Marmo need jobs, technically Ira and myself are still teenagers, as my research has lead me, we would need to attend high school." (Y/n) replies. Clara nods. "Have you spoke to the mercenaries about this?" She asks. "No, but Bel will follow my lead easy enough, promising Marmo the things she wants will convince her and then Ira will move with us, he'll argue but he'll give in after a small amount of time from what I've gathered."

"I've been meaning to ask," Clara starts, placing her teacup down. "When we were attacked by the mercenaries and fought King Proto, I never once remember seeing you." (Y/n) nods. "Thirteen years ago, my father had a vision of a nearing war and his me away on the Bolham Islands until the war was over."

"Bolham Islands?" Clara asked. "You haven't heard of them?" (Y/n) asked, perking up. Clara shook her head. "The islands were the birth place of pixies, there are thousands of them there." (Y/n) replied. "It was once a great ally of Splendorious, actually." she corrected herself. "Thousands of pixies? How wonderful! Perhaps the Glitter Force could visit one time." Clara wonders aloud. "Maybe."

"Anyways, I returned to this realm after my father's residual magic could summon me home, I believe that war was with Splendorious and the Glitter Force." Clara blinks in confusion. "Was your father King Proto?" She asks. (Y/n) nods slowly, tapping the edge of the teacup slowly. "Oh my..." Clara whispers.




"Well, I shall have an estate ready for you and the mercenaries to move into by the end of the week." Clara decided. (Y/n) was genuinely surprised the Glitter warrior agreed. "Thank you, Miss Yotsuba." she beamed. "Just Clara is fine, do you have anyway of contacting me?" (Y/n) held up the phone in she'd gotten her hands on. "Yes, actually."

"I was expecting a smaller house, honestly." (Y/n) says. Bel adjusted his glasses as some sort of reaction. "I call the biggest bedroom!" Marmo was already inside, excited to have a new place to hang out and go to her first human job. Technically she was getting training but whatever. Bel had the same thing.

Ira claimed the second largest, (Y/n) took a nice room with a window view, not too large, not too small and Bel took the closest room to hers.

"Do I really have to go to this dumb school?" Ira asked the next morning as he sat at the kitchen table. (Y/n) was making pancakes based off a recipe she found online. "Yes, you can't stay here all day whilst the rest of us are out. It's not healthy for you." (Y/n) replied. Ira grumbled.

"Besides, Ira, I'm pretty sure you're going to the same school Glitter Diamond goes to." Marmo says, smirking. "WHY WOULD THAT CHANGE ANYTHING!?" Ira yelled, give a bit of an overreaction. "Does Ira have a connection to this Glitter warrior?" (Y/n) asks, looking back at the trio now sitting at the counter. "NO!" Ira snapped. "He has a little crush on her." Marmo contradicted. "SHUT UP! I DO NOT!" The youngest of the mercenaries felt to his room to sulk.

(Y/n) smiles and finished making the pancakes, spreading them out to four plates and letting Bel and Marmo have there's before taking the third plate up to Ira's room. She knocked on his door gently. "What?" Came the angsty reply. "I have pancakes for you." (Y/n) replies. There was shuffling behind the door and it opened up to Ira wearing the school unfair, blushing slightly and avoiding eye contact. (Y/n) smiled and handed him the plate. "I'll walk to school with you if you like." (Y/n) says. "Sure." He didn't exactly slam the door in her face.

Marmo and Bel headed off before Ira left his room, but he didn't eventually come out and the pair got to school just on time. "We've got different classes so I'll see you around, okay Ira?" (Y/n) looks at the boy in question. He'd hesitated at the door and seemed to be having second thoughts. "Sure." He forced out.


"Is there something wrong, Ira?" (Y/n) asked, watching the mercenare struggle with himself. "I'm fine." He replied. The elder blinked slightly, then stepped to him and looped her arm in his. "C'mon, I'll walk you to your first class." He blinked in shock, but went along with it anyways.

Please don't quote me on that Pixie Island thing or the 'shadowlands' I don't know if there's a place the mercenaries actually come from since they don't seem like Splendorians but I couldn't find anything so I made it up. Same with the Pixie thing.

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