Chapter 26

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All throughout the movie Niall cackles beside me at every single joke. He even quotes some of the lines which I can't help but smile at. He may try to put up such an edgy front, but deep down he is a complete and utter dork. 

Niall sits up and leans against the bed while he allows me to lean against his chest. His arm wraps around my shoulder and our feet touch underneath the blankets. He occassioanally rub his foot softly against mine making my stomach tingle at the contact. So middle school like, I know, but I can't help the way he makes me feel. 

During the humorous parts of the film, Niall will always look at me to see my reaction. I notice out of the corner of my eye him smiling every time I laugh at something said or done in the movie. 

When it's over and the credits come on, he asks me, "So... what do you think?"

"Hmmm..." I draw out to make him squirm as I come up with an opinion. "It was really good."

He smiles at my approval of the movie but then says, "Come on, Anchorman is better than good, it's great! It's movie making at it's finest."

I laugh, "You really are obsessed with that movie."

"Yeah, but I think I'm starting to become slightly obsessed with you." He says into my ear and pulls me closer into his side. I giggle and rest my head on him as he holds me close to him. 

As I close my eyes and rest on his shoulder, he says, "You know you don't have to stay if you don't want to? You can go."

I sit up and look at him blankly, "If you are kindly asking me to leave, I can leave if you want."

"No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying. I don't mind you staying longer at all. I just don't want you to feel pressured to stay if you're not comfortable with that." He quickly says taking back what he said before. 

 I smile, "Then don't worry because I definitely want to stay."

A smile beams across his face and he wraps his arms around me and pulls me on top of  him. His arms hold me tightly as he presses me against his own body. "Good, because I wouldn't let you leave even if you wanted to." He teases. 

I laugh as I readjust myself into a more comfortable position on his lap by sitting up and wrapping my legs loosely around his waist. "You're lucky I don't want to." I tease back.

"I've known you for a bit over 3 weeks now and I don't know much about you." He admits as he leans against his bed as his arms hand loosely around my waist. 

"Maybe because you spent the majority of the time ignoring me." I say harshly and immediately feel guilty even though it is true. I can tell he has been making progress so I can't hold the past against him. 

"That's fair." He shrugs as his eyes look down in sorrow but then look back up at me. "I'm gonna make up for that now. I promise you. And i'll start it off by asking you how your week was. So, how was your week?"

"Niall, you literally saw me almost every day this week. You know how my week went." I reply.

"I know." He drags out. "But tell me again, tell me everything. I want to know. I need to know what is going on in your life"

I smile at how cute he is being. "It was good. My classes are going well. A few boring lectures here and there, but eh that's college I guess. The sorority has been fun. I'm meeting a lot of new girls. Been spending a lot of time with Melanie. I did some studying with Harry and Liam. And as of right now I am on this absolutely amazing date with my boyfriend."

"Say that word again." Niall commands.

"Which word?" I ask confused.

"Boyfriend." He smirks at me.

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