Chapter 3; Dream Killers

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Who are dream killers?

When we tend to share our visions and dreams with certain individuals, on what we feel that we want to accomplish, we start to hear comments like, “Well, that's not a very good idea or big idea now is it.” Or when we try to express what we feel that God will do in our lives, we again start to hear comments like, “Well, that's not wise, I don’t think you have thought this through.” Now I don't know about you but that was a dream killer for myself – hearing words like that stopped me right in my tracks. It made me doubt myself on any decision I tried to make. We begin a negative process of second guessing ourselves. That's why I really felt that I needed to be healed of a negative imagination, in order to allow God to heal me then change that corrupted way of thinking. So many individuals can speak negatively about our circumstances. This can include, work friends, parents, spouses, even some church leaders can do this. Manipulating individuals who make us second guess ourselves. I slowly fell for this lie of second guessing, which only led myself to speaking negativity over my circumstances.

When this happened I started using words like, “Maybe my hopes and dreams aren't really that big after all. Maybe I am not that good at what I wanted to start with?”
I needed to be healed of a negative imagination such as this. God created myself to have an active imagination, as I stated in the beginning of chapter one, having wild hopes, wild dreams and wild desires. I can't have an imagination that was negative, full of excuses, that damaged the way I thought. Learning not to let people speak doubt and unbelief into my heart took time, and to restore my wild and positive way of thinking took a few years to restore. I knew that this was going to be yet another challenge to face all because when we realize how we have been deceived and lied to, we feel hurt and betrayed. For a long while this was something I struggled with, as it made me overthink every little detail about myself, because of the degree of hurt and betrayal I went through. Picking out all the negatives I did, instead of seeing the positives first, they created roadblocks by twisting my thoughts towards negativity. We can see this process start to happen because, even when there were no negative situations about me, and I acted how they expected things to be fulfilled and as they saw fit, somehow there was still something negative about my actions. This level of manipulation makes us put so many roadblocks in the way of dreaming. People like this who were in my life can stop ourselves to think big, this is a dream killer. At times I was my own dream killer all because of a simple fear. When I would come up with an idea or an idea was brought to my attention, I would tear it to pieces without knowing it by this simple fear of But what if.

But what if I don't have enough money to do that.

But what if I get there and it doesn't work out.

But what if someone else is better at it than me.

Before I had even tried to do something, I was already destroying my own hopes and dreams by using those simple words. Thinking this way we feel that it's a part of playing it safe, but as I had mentioned before playing it safe at times gets us nowhere. Unfortunately I was playing it safe, by over thinking every little detail. In doing this I was hoping things wouldn't go wrong for myself in the long run. As previously stated, all I ended up doing was never doing anything at all. Not ever accomplishing any of our dreams or desires cannot be playing it safe surely, when we never fulfill any desires at all. This is how we can become a dream killer ourselves, this was how I became my own dream killer.

James 4:1-2NJKV
Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?
You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask.

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