New Book Is Published!

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Hi, and welcome to The Girl With Tattoos. This book is officially published as a brand new story titled Desolation! Go check it out over on my profile!!

This book will now be discontinued as I tell the new story. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy this one even more.

I am so excited to go on this new journey but sad to leave this one behind. I hope you all join me in Desolation and shower it with equal love <3

                  Sincerely, Jules ❤

Description of Desolation:

A past she told no one.
A present she despises.
A future she's unsure about.
But she does know that it involves death: a death she's been looking forward to.


Tragedies are something Gracelyn was accustomed to. They never succeeded in breaking her completely because she had her rock, the only person to ever love her back. Then, the last tragedy strikes and takes him away. Before her very own eyes, Grace watches as her life crashes and burns.

When Gracelyn discovers new information and a shocking connection between the tragic death and herself, Grace decides to return and investigate further. It's a mystery so imbedded into her past life, it was something she chose to ignore.

But, avenging his murder was easier said than done. Being forced to move back to her hometown was stressful enough as it was, but having to deal with old and new figures alike was an additional challenge, one Gracelyn wasn't sure she would be walking out alive from.

The Girl With Tattoos • Original VersionWhere stories live. Discover now