Dinner Plans

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A/N ok ok ok! I'm excited and nervous to see how this turns out! Please enjoy! Also the first part of the video is what I'm referencing so if you want you can check out the video!


Hey Peter, you've been quiet for a while now,are u ok?" I asked wile lazily scrolling through pictures of myself as Ironman on the internet. When I didn't get a response, I looked back at my intern to see his head burrowed into his arms on the table.

He was asleep

I chuckled under my breath, and shook Peters shoulder.

No response

Wake up Pete!" I said wile gently, but firmly shaking the kids shoulders more.

No response

"Wake up Spider-Man!" I yelled into the teens ear.

Huh?! Wazzzaa goin onn, What did I'ze miss?? Peter jolted up and almost fell backwards in his chair, wile I was laughing

Peter was confused of what just happened and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh I finished the designs to wanted." Peter exclaimed with a bright smile. I looked at the 15 year old kid with a startled expression on my face. "Wow, good job!" I said. It may not have shown on the outside, but I was extremely proud of the kid.

Once Peter left for home, I snatched up the papers he finished and looked through them. They were perfect! All the models and sketches of the Spider-Man suit we've been working on were equivalent to my own expertises, if not better.


Once I got home, I went straight into my room and fell asleep.

BEEP BEEP! I heard my alarm break the silence of his bedroom. "Arg, 5 more minutes." I mumbled under his breath and fell back asleep. 

After 20 for minutes of sleeping, ( hehe story of my life) I lazily hopped out of bed and got ready for school. Once I came downstairs, I smelled the delicious smell of blueberry pancakes, and quickly ran into the kitchen. Sure enough, Aunt May was adding butter and maple syrup to 3 sorta burnt hot cakes.

"Here you go honey!" Aunt May said wile handing me a plate. "Thanks Aunt May!" I said wile shoveling large bites into his mouth.

"Wow! So down there Pete!, we don't want to choking right before your science exam today now do we?" Aunt May giggles as she ate her breakfast.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that!" Dont worry May, I'll just study in homeroom." I blurted with my mouth full of pancakes. "Well I better get going, don't want to be late!"

"Bye honey!" Aunt May calls after me as I sprint out the door.

It was the middle of winter, So I could see my hazy breath in the crisp air. I just barely got on the subway, and I was completely out of breath from running. As I took seat on the train, I herd my phone tell me I had notification

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and noticed it was a text from Mr. Stark!

Mr. Stark: Hey kid, I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner tonight? After we can work on your designs

I couldn't believe what he just read. I mean he was just over last night. Why could Mr. Stark possibly want me over again? I quickly typed up a response:

Peter: Oh! Yeah ok sounds good! What time should I come over???

Mr. Stark: Come around 6:00, and shouldn't you be in school right now?

Peter: I'm on the subway, oh speaking of which, I have to get off, see ya tonight

I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket, got of the bus, and headed for school.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

Ok class, here are your exams, start... NOW!

The teacher announced to the chemistry class.

I carefully read through all of the questions, taking the time to double check my answers before I turned it in.

~~~~~small time skip~~~~~

Ok when I call your name, come up and grab your graded tests. If you have and problems for concerns about your test, come talk with me after school." Peter's science teacher lazily told us like he has many times before.

Grace Smith

MJ ...
(Haha does anyone know her last name?)

Alex O'Connor

Steve Sunderland

Ned Leeds
(Thank you ♥️)

Peter Parker

I went up to grab my test. I was starting to doubt some of my answers, but I was soon relived when I saw a big "A +" circled in a red pen.

Was I happy? Yes

Was I surprised? Not really

When your building amor, and web shooters all day, a chemistry test is nothing.

~~~~~time skip-~~~~~

I walked out class  with Ned, and talked about getting together for a sleepover. Once Neds ride came, I quickly texted Aunt May about his dinner plans, and headed over to the Avengers Tower.

A/N: yay! First chapter done! Feel free to comment :)

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