Chapter 7 - Processing Old Information

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Lili gathered her belongings with a heavy heart and sighed. The manager had decided not to press charges, mainly to avoid publicizing the secret chamber beneath the hotel, but he had made it clear that Lili would have to leave. "And if you ever tell anyone else about our sanctum," he'd warned, "we will prosecute you for trespassing." So now she had a secret to keep in return for avoiding legal trouble. But fortunately, the hotel hadn't ever wanted to deal with Emanon anyway, so getting her out wasn't an issue. I'm basically doing them a favor, she thought to herself. Don't see why they have to be such jerks about it.

Emanon sat in the room, chatting with Nevaz, both of them trying not to get in Lili's way. The others had already left. Arden and Karadite had gone off to whatever business they had, while Cheezy and Thohuko had headed to the Arcanamirium together. She'd promised to call Thohuko once she knew where she'd be staying.

"Is this painting one of the elementals?" Emanon asked, noticing it still-unpacked by the window.

"Yes," Nevaz answered. "It's a remarkably good likeness," he said approvingly.

Lili smiled at the compliment. "Thanks, Nevaz," she said. "I would've liked to let it dry a bit longer." She frowned, picking up the torn shirt she'd worn earlier. "At least they gave me time to shower and change. This outfit is ruined."

Emanon laughed, "Oh, I don't know. It's got character now. And a great story to explain the tears. If it were mine, I'd sew them shut with ugly clashing threads so they'd stand out. And anyone who pointed them out would be treated to the ballad of 'Lili the Xenoseeker'."

Lili giggled. "You really would, wouldn't you? I've honestly never met anyone like you, Emanon."

"You only say that because you've never met an elven bard before," Emanon retorted. "I'm just a storyteller who can't resist an audience."

Nevaz looked at Lili. "Where will you go next?" he asked.

"I don't know," Lili sighed. "All the hotels are full. The Starstone incident destroyed so many people's homes. I suppose I'll just go to the Cornucopia and see what shelters have space."

"Perhaps I can suggest a more pleasant alternative," Nevaz started. He looked at Emanon. "For both of you."

Lili arched an eyebrow in his direction.

"I'm listening," Emanon said.

"I've been staying on my ship with Jian." He looked at Emanon again. "You haven't met her yet. But I'll introduce you soon." Emanon nodded for him to continue. "Well, the Myriad is small, but it does have quarters for additional crew. If you like, I can offer you both a place to stay for a while, at least until my work on Absalom Station is concluded."

Emanon's eyes lit up with delight. "Your ship that travels the stars?" She turned to Lili. "I know it's probably not that exciting for you, but the only ships I've ever been inside traveled over water."

Lili smiled. "I would be very happy to accept your offer," she said to Nevaz. "And Emanon, I think I'm going to have a lot of fun looking at my world through your eyes."

"Nevaz, you don't mind if I hang this up in my new cabin, do you?" Lili asked, pointing at the portrait she'd made that morning.

Nevaz nodded approvingly. "While you're aboard, please make yourself comfortable. A little decoration would be lovely. I even have a small workspace I'm not using where you can paint new ones, if you like."

Lili nodded her head vigorously. "Yes, please, thank you very much!" she blurted out in a rush. She threw herself back into the process of packing, suddenly very excited to be leaving. Nevaz and Emanon each helped with her bags. Last of all, she grabbed the portrait and carried it gingerly out the door as the three of them left.

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