Alright comp closed

26 3 4

So now we (No1GreendayFan and me) r done with the competition. I think we tied with 4 points or something....

but anyway thanks to everyone who voted for percico

Now I changed my mind on it I think jasico beats all ships


Okay so i have to tell a embarrassing moment......

I'll give u 2

1. So I was taking a tour in Gettysburg,Pennsylvania  and I was with a group and we were taking a ghost walk. The guide told us really creepy stories and we were in the Gettysburg campus. It was really dark and we only had a bit of light. We were whispering a little was we slowed down to stop at a different spot for another story.(we were walking) Ok so then I accedintly let out some gas..........

so that ruined the moment

and what was really funny was it sounded like a gunshot

so perfectly appropiate for Gettysburg.

I laughed too because it was really  funny

@windy615 was there

2. Oh yes this involves my best friend @windy615

and this was a long time ago

So we were walking to a pool and I saw a boy that i knew and I was like waving to him. my mom was bringing me and windy to the pool so yeah she was my guest. Okay so he asked why windy was here and I said

"She's my guest "idk why i was little ok

And i meant to put my arm around her neck but my hand ended up in her armpit......

it was so funny

and weird

wait was it embarrassing? idk and i don't care it was funny

me and windy still remember that well........

ok ok ok enough now idk if any of those moments were funny but i gave u an embarrassing moment

okokokokok ill leave now


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