Yandere!Henrik x Reader (G/T)

519 17 12

You were looking at the notice that was saved on your phone as you approached the place supposedly in question, the notice had said something about this... Doctor Schneeplestein? ...You think that was his name, however apparently he wanted to test on tiny subjects like yourself only minus the dissections, and or harmful things in general, he was a man of science, a curious yet respectful man supposedly... You had talked to him for a bit, to tell him you were coming over and basic things and overall he seemed very nice!

You made your way inside, of course it was rather difficult given your size, luckily enough the doctor was expecting you it seemed, he was practically right there waiting, he must've been anxious because given your size someone could accidentally step on you, or worse... Either way, he stood up and smiled pleasantly at you "Ah! Hallo und vwelcome! You must be (Y/N), correct?"

You immediately nodded "Yeah! That'd be me! I uh, wish you could've just came and found me but... I... don't think that'd have been a good idea, I was sorta... hiding somewhere a little far from here, you know how it is for us I'm assuming?" And to that the doctor nodded "Ah of course, its a dangerous vworld fo' you tiny beings... Anyvways are you ready to get started or do you have any questions beforehand? Any potential concerns vwith zhese experiments?"

You thought for a moment before nodding "Well... You... You stated that no harm would be done, correct? You won't try to cut into me, or anything like that?" Well... that seemed to have offended him actually, he immediately shook his head "No, zhere vwill be no dissections, or anything that vwill cause pain, just some simple tests to see how your body vworks to put it in simple terms, und don't vworry you vwon't be treated like a little lab rat eizher" He assured, beginning to try and adjust his glasses as he waited for your response.

You nodded at his words and relaxed a little "Okay... That...That's good, just so long as you don't want to cause me any harm, I...I mean its not that I don't trust you of course it's... just..." He cut you off before you could finish "(Y/N)... I understand, you are simply concerned fo' your vwell being, concerned fo' your health und safety, its perfectly natural however I promise you, zat I have no intentions to cause you any bodily harm" He finished, giving you a pleasant smile.

You smiled back at him "Good... Uh, I think I'm ready to get started now if you are Doctor Schneeplestein!" The Doctor chuckled slightly "You may call me Henrik if you vwish, zhere's no need fo' such formalities" You nodded once more "Okay Henrik!" After that, it seemed to take the doctor a few minutes before awkwardly clearing his throat "Ah, I... uh, do you mind if I scoop you up? Or vwould you prefer to just vwalk into my hands?" You took a few minutes to contemplate before deciding... "I would... rather walk into your hands"

Henrik nodded and held his hands down, waiting patiently, you then hesitantly stepped forwards and stumbled your way onto his hands and looked up at him, then you looked down at his hands as they began lifting you up, you took notice of just how large his hands were... Henrik blinked as he slowly lifted you up towards his chest, he was just so fascinated with how small you were compared to him, and to feel your warmth in his palm... He needed to focus, there was no time for this nonsense!

Once he lifted you up to his chest and made sure you couldn't fall, he carried you off towards his lab, he kept looking down towards you, to make sure you were still alright, he finally seemed to make it to the room he had planned to go in and closed the door behind him, he then walked over to the desk and sat you down as carefully as possible "Vwait here... I need to get some of my tools, nothing dangerous of course, just some simple sings fo' ze tests"

You nodded and watched as he left, and now you were alone... You looked at your surroundings, it honestly just looked like a normal lab, it looked very... Doctor-y? ...Well, that was honestly the best way you could describe it, it was honestly getting a bit uncomfortable after awhile, how many things did he need for this...? Finally after what felt like an eternity, he came back with some of his tools.

You took a look at the items he laid out onto the table, they were all confusing but none of them looked particularly dangerous and was.... was that a mini treadmill? ...How on earth did he get that? Either way after setting up what appeared to be a camera, he then came over with what appeared to be some wires, and a head-set of some kind "Zhese vwould be fo' monitoring your heartbeat und oxygen levels und finally ze head-set is fo' monitoring your brain vwaves" You nodded at his words and let him attach said things to your body.

Once the things were attached, you looked at him and waited for the next steps, and he definitely didn't seem like the type of man to just dawdle around and waste any time, he was serious, strict but not too strict, and truly he just seemed like he wanted to get down to business, so the first test he wanted you to do was fairly simple, he wanted you to run on the tiny treadmill and so you did, this... wasn't too bad for you honestly, it was good exercise and Henrik seemed fascinated with this as he was writing a few things down.

You continued running for as long as he needed, eventually he told you that you could stop and rest, which honestly was a relief on your part, you stepped off the treadmill and took a breather, watching as he continued to write stuff down, only occasionally stopping to look up and check on you, once he seemed to finally finished, he stepped forwards with a smile on his face "Vwhy... (Y/N)... Zis is incredible! Your bodily functions... are so much more different zhan a normal sized person... So much more... Unique" He paused and then cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses "You seem to also be able to run a bit faster zhan a normal sized person, your heart rate is faster, next up I want to test your brain"

You immediately rose a brow and looked at him, he only chuckled as he saw your look "Don't vworry, I assure, it is nothing bad... I merely vwant to see if you can see ze spectrum of colors ze same as normal sized humans, or if it differs, your reaction time, und various ozher things, all harmless of course" Your expression shifted, and you calmed down upon hearing his explanation "Sure thing, that doesn't sound too bad" And so... Henrik started off with the color test, upon finishing that up he wrote some more notes down, and then he began with the reaction time test, he seemed... actually very impressed with you during that test, he then wrote some more down and now should be the final test...

Henrik had you doing a few puzzles, watching you rather closely as you began trying to solve them, one by one each had gotten harder but in the end you managed to solve it, once again, the good doctor was impressed with you and finished writing down the last few notes, he then took the equipment off of you and put it all away "Alright, zhat should do it fo' ze tests... Und I must say I am quite impressed vwith you" He then mumbled under his breath "Such a... Beautiful specimen~" And you looked at him questioningly "Sorry, what was that last part?" Henrik merely shrugged it off "Oh nothing! Come, come now, aren't you thirsty after all zat exercise und hard vwork?"

You gave it a thought before nodding "Yeah I could use something to drink, and maybe... eat if you don't mind?" The Doctor merely nodded "Ah, of course, vwhat vwould you like?" He waited for you to think it over, he seemed to have a lot of patience, which was... good honestly "Hmm... I think some water and maybe a bit of bread will do for now, I'm not that picky" He nodded and held out his hand "Vwould you vwant some assistance? If you don't vwant to climb into my hand I vwill respect zat und just set you on ze ground" You merely shrugged and climbed onto his hand "I trust you, and honestly I think that was enough exercise for now"

Henrik could feel his heart jump at those words, 'I trust you...' those words made him smile, wa....wait? Why is his heart pounding in his chest? Why does he have that butterfly sensation in his stomach all of a sudden? ...He... He probably just overworked himself again, the others had warned him of doing such, the feeling got so much more intense as you climbed into his hand... So... So small... So fragile looking, he just... wanted to protect you, from anything and everyone... "Hey, Hen? Are... Are you alright?" The Doctor immediately snapped out of it upon hearing your sweet voice... "O-Oh uhh... of- of course, I vwas only thinking... Anyvways, lets go get you something to eat und drink"

He finally began walking, which you were thankful for because honestly, you were hungry and thirsty, all that exercising had exhausted you, after he entered the kitchen, he set you gently down on the kitchen counter and began pouring water into what appeared to be a bottlecap, and then cutting off a piece of bread that was the perfect size for you, he then handed you the items "Zhere you go, enjoy! I need to leave fo' a few minutes... I must go put zhese notes avway" You merely nodded and watched as he walked off, taking a sip of water and munching on the bread.

Henrik had walked back to the same room you both were just in and leaned against the wall, clutching his chest and taking some deep breaths "Okay... Just... Calm ze hell down... You've just been overvworking yourself... Zat's all... Heh, maybe I should have listened to ze ozhers vwhen I had ze chance" He chuckled to himself and walked over to the drawer, he then put all the notes he had wrote in there, he took another moment to compose himself before walking back out and checking on you, noticing you finished your food he smiled "Ah, vwas ze bread good?"

You nodded at him and laid there on the counter, you were content and honestly comfortable around him now, he didn't seem so bad and he hadn't tried to hurt you yet, you heard what was presumably his phone make a noise and you watched as he checked it and the look on his face was a bit concerning... "What's wrong Hen? Ya look like you just saw a ghost..." Henrik then looked up at you "Um... V-Vwell... (Y/N)... I should probably tell you before zhey get here... I am, uh, not ze only vone who lives here... Zhere are ozhers but zhey are relatively friendly!"

You took a moment to process that "...How...How many are there?" And before Henrik could speak, the door burst open revealing a BUNCH of others that... honestly looked similar to Henrik, and with that you immediately hid behind the nearest object, that was too many giants at once to deal with, you just couldn't... You knew if they were Henrik's friends then they most likely wouldn't hurt you, but still... Better safe than sorry, you heard one of them talking to Henrik himself and honestly the doctor didn't sound too thrilled.

You knew that there was really no point in hiding, after all someone would find you back here, but honestly you didn't want to face all those people... You sighed and took a deep breath, you might as well just get this over with, besides you could hear Henrik announcing to the others that he had someone he wants them to meet, his tone sounded... strange as he announced this to the others in the room, oh well, you didn't question it too much, maybe he was just irritated with all the others suddenly bursting into the room, that even annoyed you honestly.

You stepped from behind your hiding spot, and watched as Henrik pointed towards you, and then all of a sudden all heads turned towards you, which made you feel... Very uncomfortable, you stood there fidgeting with your fingers for a moment before Henrik came over and gently scooped you up "Try und relax, zhey vwon't hurt you, in fact zhey seem excited to meet you..." He walked back over and told the others to line up, they'd do this in a calm manner...

One by one they all greeted you, first was the one in the snap-back cap, his name was Chase and he seemed pretty friendly, he even seemed fascinated with you! Next up was Marvin, he seemed to just be casual as if he's seen tiny folk before which, he probably has considering he was a real magician, either way he was nice too, next up was Jackie and he... He was a bit louder than you'd prefer but he was being relatively friendly so that counted for something, next was Robbie and you were immediately scared of him since he was a zombie but... He turned out to be... Adorable actually, he just wanted to cuddle you!

Henrik of course didn't let him at the moment, he explained there was a few more others that needed to come up and greet themselves, the zombie pouted but he seemed to respect that and he waited on the couch, next was an... android? He stated his name was Bingsepticeye and went on to ask your name and a bit more information, after a few minutes of him... most likely processing that information, he walked off to the side, next up was a man covered in ink, he spoke in a thick irish accent and apparently his name was Shawn although he didn't... Seem very friendly, next was Jameson who was mute, he communicated through sign language or whiteboard and he seemed like a true gentleman.

Next was... A less friendly looking person, honestly... You didn't think he was human, he had a deranged grin on his face as he stared down at you, Henrik immediately pulled you closer and glared at the being "...Anti... Don't even think about it..." So the... demonic being's name was Anti ...Sounds fitting enough, he only cackled as the doctor spoke "͞W̶̕ ̨̨͏e͜͞҉ ̶l͡ ̵̷̢l ̛ ́N ̸́̕o ͢͟w.͘.̕. Y͟ę̵ ͘se̕e̕͠m͘͜ ͘͡à͞w҉͟f̷u͏̴̸l҉ly̴͢ ̵̢͞pr̀o̕t̛͡ec̸t̛͜͠ive ̢o̵v͜er̵̸ ̸̴t̕͢hìs̴͟͠ oǹ̴̡e ͘d̡҉ ̴̧̛o̶̡̧ ̨́҉ç ̕t̢̕ ơ r.̴.. ́́S̸͟o͠ḿ̵́e҉t҉̸͟h̡i̸ņ́' ̨s͟pe͏͏c͡i̵ąl͏̨ ̀͘b̷͟͝o͠u̵ţ͜ ̀t͡h͏̵͡i͘s̷ ̸́͢o͟͢͞n͠ȩ̀?͘" Oh God- his voice hurt your ears, it was so... Glitchy... The Doctor's glare only got more stern "Leave. Now." He spoke through gritted teeth.

Anti let out another cackle "Ḩ̀͘ò͘w͞.̵͘͠.̸͘͜.̡ I͡nt͢͝e̶r͠ę̛sţ̶ín̛g҉..̸.̶҉" that was all that was said as he just disappeared, he didn't walk away, he just... Vanished, you shuddered, well that was unsettling... You looked at Henrik who sighed and looked down at you "I'm sorry mein Kleine... He's... Well... Himself, don't vworry though I vwill protect you from him..." Henrik seemed startled by... himself? He... Didn't say anything out of the ordinary besides something in German... He prayed you didn't understand what he said, which it didn't seem like you could...

Henrik sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "I svwear... He is such a pain in ze ass... Oh, um... I believe Robbie vwas vwanting to cuddle vwith you... Do... Do you vwant to do zat? Or vwould you razher stay vwith me?" You thought for a moment, honestly Robbie was harmless... He just... Seemed like he wanted a cuddle buddy "Sure, why not, he seems like he could use a cuddle buddy, I'll be fine with him I'm sure" Henrik tried to keep a straight face as you spoke, something about that... bugged him, the fact you wanted to spend time with one of the others?! What was wrong with him?! "Alright, if you are sure..." He then handed you over to a rather eager Robbie, the doctor of course reminded the zombie to be extra careful with a tiny being which he seemed to understand and thus the cuddling began...

Meanwhile... Henrik walked off to his room and slammed the door shut, he walked over and flopped down into his chair, sighing and rubbing his forehead "Vwhat ze hell is vwrong vwith me?! Vwhy am I acting zis vway... Vwhy... Over zhem? I don't understand zis feeling..." There was nothing but silence for a few moments before... A familiar chuckle echoed throughout the room "̧P͘ǫ̶͘or ͏D͠o̷҉c̢t͢o̢r̢͟,̀ ̕҉̕P̶͠o̶ǫ̴̕r ̢͝Doc̀̀͘t͢o҉͟r͜͢.̀̀̕.̴̵͞.́ ͏̷͘B͘e̢i̶͜͜n̷̡͢g̕ ͢͢d̶͡r͢҉i̴͘v͟͝e̵̢ņ̀ m̷ad ̢b̶̧́y ̶̶th̴i̢̡̧s҉ ҉ti̶͟n̵y҉͏̧ ̸̀͘s̨͘͞ ͞҉͠p̷ ę̢́ ̸̡̡c͏͘ ̶͘͜k҉͏.̴̕.̷҉̶.͢ ҉ ̵̧H̸̢m̴͘m҉.͢͜.̧͞. ̛͟͝Ì w͡o͡n̕der͡ w̢͜͝ ̛̀h͟ ̨y̛ ̷t҉̸͝h̨͟͠a̷̷͠t̸ ͠į́͞s̶̡?~̷̡̕" And Henrik grunted at the voice "Shut up Anti, go avway... I don't need you right now..."

And with that, Anti suddenly appeared right in front of the doctor, bearing that same horrifying grin on his face as Henrik saw earlier "̷Y̡̕͡o͟u̧̨ ̛͡t́r͢͠u͏l͢͝y͏ ̴ar͘͠e̶ ̕͞p̛ ҉ą̸̛ ͢͏t̀͡ ͏h̷ ̸̕͢e̕ ͘t̛͢ ́i͟͡ ̶̨c͘, ́Hen̴͟r̛͞͝i҉̵͜k͡.̶.̀͘.̵͡ ̴̡C͏̵a̷n͟͝ ̷y͟҉ę ̢͜͟ŗe̕al͢l̶̨y ͝ǹ̶ó̶t̀ ͢͞t҉̨eļ̸͜l̡̀ w̡͢͢h͘͟a̕t̵̢ ͝t͟h̸̡̢i̵͏̡s̴͏ b̸̀ ̷̀ú͝ ŗ͘ ǹ͢͝ ì͜͡ ̛͡҉ǹ͢ ̨͜g..̡́.́͟ ̧͠D̀͘e͡ś̵ir̨͡͡e͡ ͞͞is̛͜ ̶y͏ȩ͜ ̡f̸e͝͝e̴ĺ ̴͘w͟i̡͢t̡͘h͞҉įn̵͞? ͝..͘͢.̷̨Y͡é̡ ̵͢w͝a̴n̵͏t҉ ͏t̶ḩ̷e̴m̀,̴̨ ̵y҉́͟è͢ ͘n͡ ̸͞e͢͞ ̴̀͢e̢ ̀ḑ̢͠ ҉̢t̸h̀eḿ͞҉..̴̢͡.̢ ͟͞Yȩ ̨"̀l̶͞o͘͘v̶҉è̴͜"̸̨ ̸̢͢t͟͝h̕e҉͡m̧.̷͜͠.̵̵͞.̧̛͜" After hearing what Anti said, this made Henrik laugh "Zat is ridiculous! It hasn't even been zat long ago vwe met! Und besides vwhat vwould YOU know about love in general?" This only made Anti's grin widen "͡͠T̷̵̛e͏͟͏ll̵̴ ͏̶m͘e̷̶̛ ̡͝҉s̨҉o̴̷met҉̡̀ḩ͟ì͟n̨g ͘͡Doct͠ó͜r̵̶.̴̀.̵͢.̷ ̴̸͡H̸̷o̶͜͝w ̀͢w͞o͝ul͞d̛́ y̡͟e̕ fe̴ȩl͝҉ if͢ ̷̀͢t̸͠͠h̸͠e̡y ͏w҉͞e͜r̶e oh͘͠͞ ͘I̢͜ ̴d̡̧o͡͞n͏̡'̀t̡̕͜ ̷k͟n̸̷o̸w̵͏̸.͞.̀͜͡.̵ ̷͘͏i͝͞n̴̢ ̛ļ͞o̷͞v̢é͢ ͜w̨̛i̵̴t҉́͜h́ ͘a̶n҉̷̕ot̸̴̨h̀e͝r ͏e͢͡g̷̨͝o͡?̢͜ ̛҉O͏҉r͜.̕.̀͜. ̧Or̢̨,̷ ͜if̛ t̴͢h͟e͝ỳ̧ ͞w͏͞ere̷̴ ̶t̨̛͟o҉̀ ̶ǵe̛ţ ̡̕͟h̵u͏̛͞rt̸ ͟͝o͢r ͜w̷̴o̕͜r͘ś҉ȩ̕, ͟͟k̸̨͜ ̧̕͝í͡ ͘͜ĺ ̵̕͞l̴͞ ̶̧e ̡̧d̵҉?̸̵ H̛o͘w̨ ̧w̴͢ó̕u͝͝l҉d͟ ̢͞͠s̶͜om̛͞e҉t̡h̕in͢͝g̴̛͡ ͏͘l̷̛i҉̵͜kè̕͞ ̨̢͢th̸̨͞a̢͞t ͡m̀a̕҉k҉̴e̢ ͞͏y̵̢͟ȩ̴ ̸̡f̸̴͠e̡͢͠èl̡͘̕?͞"

Henrik immediately stood up and pulled out a scalpel, holding it towards Anti "I don't think I like vwhat you are implying zhere... If you hurt zhem in any vway... I'll k i l l you..." Of course, that didn't bother Anti, if anything that made him excited "̛͝W͏̸́e͜͢ĺ͠l̷ ̷̀n̵͡o҉͞w͝.͏́́..͘͜͢ ͡Ye̷̢ ҉̀h̴͜a̸͠v͏e̛͜n͠͞'̧t҉͘ ͞҉t͢͜h҉̴r̵e͞͏à̛t̵èn͞e̵ḑ̸̶ ͘m̴͠e̶ ̕͡l̛͝i̶̕͡k̢e̶͞ ̢t͠ ͘͟h͏ ̶a͏ t̸̕ ͠i͞͞n̴ a̸͜w̷͝h͏͝҉i͢l̨͘͡ę͞͏.̢..̸̕ Y̕͞e̡ ̡m͟u̴̸҉s̕ţ͘ ̵c͏a͝r̷̛e̛͝͠ ̴̛a̴͢ ̀g͝ ͡͡r͞ e̴͜͠ ą̸̕ ̷̡̀t͘͟ d͝ę̧̨a͜͏̵l ̴̛f̵̢ȩ̕͞r̡ ͡t̨͜h̢̀i̢s̸.͢͡͏..͘͞͝ ̨I̢̡nś͢i̧g̢̀̕n̕i͞f͏̵͠ic̢a͏̢͞n̸͢҉t̸̵͢ ͜s̴̀p͡҉ec͠k.͜͡..̵̨ ̴̢́H͢ó̡w̡̧̨ ̀͜a̧͝b̷ou̡t̕ w̷͟͜é͡ ̡́m̸̀a̵k̴e̷ ̕͠͡a̡͞ ̵͞ḑ̶ ̸͜e ̛͘a҉̶ ́l̕͡,̢͘ d̨̛e̶͜a̵̕r͢͢ ҉d̷̕o̷̢çto̡r̕?͏ ̡́W̵͞h̴̕a̸t ͘d̶̛o̷͘ ̧y̵̷e͘͟͜ ̧s̕͜͡ą̴́y?̶ ́̀͠W͘i҉̨l͏̢ĺ͞ ͡y̸͟͠e̵ ͝͞hȩa͡҉̕r̛͏ me̸̶̛ ò̶̴u̸t̢͠?" The Doctor rose a brow "...I vwill listen, however don't expect me to accept a n y deal zat comes from ze likes of you..." Anti approached forwards towards the doctor, not seeming to mind that he still had the scalpel out and pointed directly at him.

"͘͡D̢òc̡͟t̨̛͞or.͡.͏. ͝҉Y͞e ͟w͟͡҉a͜nt̴ ͞t̶̷h̶̀̕e̶m͜,̕ ̵d̛͘͠o͏ń͠'͏̸t ̵y̸̡e̴͏͝?͘͘ ̛͞Y͘e̶'̡d̨ ̷d̷̵̨o̕ a ̀͜ņ̛ ͢͠ỳ ̛͘t̀ h̴̶̢ ҉̨i҉ n̡͘ ̨͘͡g ̸͏t͟͢͠'̕ ̡g͘e͡҉̶t͞͠҉ ̶҉t̸̛h̸e͢͡m ̧͠i̸̡ǹ ̸͘͞yé̛̕r ģ̶rà͟sp̀.̴̡͟.̧͝.̢ ̨̛͡W̢̛o̢͟u̕͠l͞d̷ ̵̛͠ye͟ ņ͢o̶ţ̀͡?̶͝ ̸̕Į̴ ̴̀c͡͏a҉ņ ͘ǵ͝ȩ̵t t̨he͏̸͝m.̸.. ̵̨N͢͠ó̢t̡ ̷͜͞f҉e̷͞͏r̴ m͝y͝͡s̸ȩļ̀f͘,̧ ̨́̕bu͢͝͡t͏̸̸ f͢ę͜r̛͝ ͞y̨̕ ͜͞ó̶̢ ̴u̧...̢ ̵A̵͞ll ͝y͘͜a̸͡ ͘͠g̵ơ̧t͠t͝a̧ ҉d͝ơ ͜͞i͠s h̕͜e͞l҉p̷̸ ͏me͘ ͞ǫ̸u̕͝t̨̀͟ ̸w̶̢̛it̶̨h͞ ͞a ̢͠l̢i̴͝͠t͜t҉̛͞le.͘.̸̷́.͏̵͢ ̸͠͞'̢̛P̨ ͟҉̷r̷̷ ͏͝o̡͢ ̶̀͝j ͘e̢̨͡ ̸̴c̀҉͏ ̀t̴'̴ ̵̨̀ó̷f̶ ̷͘s̸͡o͝r̴͘t҉̶̢s̀.̢͘.̴.̴̡~̴͏" Anti's grin got impossibly wider, watching Henrik's face twist in disgust "No! I vwould NEVER help you... Because I know vwhat your up to... You vwant to hurt ze ozhers in some vway, you are sick in ze head if you EVER think I vwould help ze likes of you vwith something like... like that!" The glitch demon merely shrugged and laughed "̵͘Su̴͟͡it̸͜͞ ̴͏̷y̷҉é̴r҉́s̡͟e̶͜l͞f̷͠.̸͡.͘.̛" And with that, he was gone... Finally...

Henrik sighed in relief, he was glad the other was gone "Vwhy... Vwhy does he do zis stupid Scheisse..." He looked down at the scalpel and threw it down, although Anti did have a point... He rarely ever threatened the glitch demon with such as that... He just, needed to ignore Anti's game, all he was trying to do was trick him into helping with whatever evil scheme he had planned, he immediately walked out of his room and back into the living room, looking around for any sign of you and Robbie, he didn't see the both of you and he immediately began to worry, he walked back towards Robbie's room and cracked the door, what he saw inside honestly almost melted his heart.

Robbie was showing you all the drawings he had made and the stuffed animals he had, so far it sounded like he was calling off their names, he then got to talking about this recent drawing he did... "Thiissss isss Sheeeppp..." And you rose a brow "Why does it have a lab coat and glasses on?" Robbie blinked and looked down at you "Becaaussee Sheeeppp has theemmm..." And then it clicked with you "Ohh! Its Henrik! As... As a sheep" Robbie seemed thrilled you got it right and he nodded "I haaaven't shoownnn hiimmm yeettt... So noo tell... Pleeease...?" You could only chuckle at that and pat his arm "Your secret's safe with me bud"

Ich liebe dich~ (A Yandere Henrik x Reader story) (G/T)Where stories live. Discover now