Chapter 1 •

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Yuu's P.O.V.
I walked to the student council room after school like always, the bright sunlight slightly burning my eyes due to my failed attempt to block out the rays with my hand. I let out a small sigh as I looked back down to my feet. I kept my gaze down on my feet for so long I barely noticed that I had approached the student council room.

"Hey, Koito-san," Sayaka said, smiling lightly as she waved to me. "The boys aren't able to make it today, so it looks like we're all here," she continued.

I looked over to Touko, who, oddly enough, barely even noticed that I had arrived. She had a drowsy appearance and tired eyes with her gaze fixated on the wall. I tried to catch her attention with a question of my own.

"What are the plans for today, Nanami-senpai," I asked. She continued looking at the wall, so distracted by something that she didn't even hear me. I approached her, lightly waving my hand in front of her face.

"Senpai?" I asked as I continued to block her gaze with my hand, and only this brought her out of her trance. She looked up at me with tired eyes and a confused expression on her face.

"What are today's plans?" I repeated again.

"I... I have to get something... from the library in the other room. Then, we'll take some paperwork back to... to the main building. And that's it, I... I think," Touko replied quietly, almost in a loud whisper. She only stuttered a bit, but even that much was unlike her. Sayaka approached the two of us, concern painted on her face. 

"Are you feeling okay, Touko? You seem pretty lethargic," Sayaka asked, lightly placing a hand on Touko's shoulder. She leaned into the touch, placing her hand on top of Sayaka's.

"Yes, I... I'm fine," she muttered hesitantly, making it obvious that she was lying to us. She shakily stood up, her legs wobbling slightly as she slowly walked towards the back of the student council room where the library was located.

"Where are you going," I asked. She turned her head back to me as she replied.

"I'm getting the book now. We should get all of our work finished quickly so we can leave early today," Touko replied in a very un-demanding and quiet tone, very different from how she usually spoke to us.

"Touko, wait!" Sayaka called out, but it was too late. She had already walked into the library closing the door behind her. I turned my head towards her.

"Saeki-senpai, is she okay?" I asked. Sayaka shrugged lightly.

"I don't know. Touko's been pretty drowsy all day. She even feel asleep at her desk during our lunch break," she replied, shaking her head lightly.

"I hope she's not getting sick. What would the student council even be able to do without her!" I exclaimed. Sayaka sighed as she looked down to the ground.

"I guess I'd have to take over for the time being. Although, I'm not very fond of that idea," she said, muttering the last part.

I went to reply but then suddenly, we heard a crashing noise followed by a loud, high-pitched yelp of pain coming from the library. Sayaka and I simultaneously bolted towards the library, almost in sync. As we approached, I slammed open the door almost violently.

Looking around the room, it was obvious Touko had fallen off a ladder trying to grab a book from the top shelf. The ladder she had used was laying sideways on the ground. She was sitting slouched against the wall, her hand pressed against her forehead as she panted heavily.

Sayaka and I both ran towards her, calling out her name.

"Nanami-senpai, are you alright? What happened?" I asked frantically, gripping her hand and entangling our fingers.

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