Reunited At Last

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     These past two years have been the hardest for John. After Sherlock's death, he just couldn't find himself able to leave 221B Baker Street. Whenever he tried to forget and move on, the past would come back and bite him hard.

He would find himself sitting in his armchair and wishing he heard the sweet sounds of Sherlock's violin that would sooth John form any discomfort he had. He wished he could wake up and find Sherlock conducting an experiment. He wished he could play with those beautiful dark curls whenever Sherlock would fall asleep on the couch. He wished so much that the death of his friend was not true. A lie. Just another one of Sherlock's jokes to see what Johns reaction would be. But the sweat relief never came.

It's April 28. The two year anniversary of Sherlock Holmes death. Some would say that that evening was peaceful. Others would say that it was the opposite. Full of sadness and crying of fellow fans trying to forget the past and what happened. That was the case for John Watson. Two years ago he watched as his best friend jumped to his death. He was unable to do anything. Just standing there as Sherlock told him too. Begging that this was all fake but, it wasn't.


John woke up to the sun shining through the blinds in his room. He groaned and rolled out of his warm comfy bed to make some morning coffee. As he trotted down the stairs he remembered what today was. A sudden wave of sadness washed over him as he put the kettle on the stove. He missed Sherlock more than anything. John knew he loved Sherlock. He loved him more than friends. He wanted to be more but, he promised himself that he would never allow his heart to be broken. He dated girl after girl to try and distract himself from Sherlock but it never worked. He would just go back and long for the love of Sherlock.

John was ripped from his thoughts when he herds the kettle whistle. He pored his coffee and went to sit in his armchair. He turned off the telly in hopes of a distraction from his thoughts. He found a nature documentary about sea sponges. How strange.

John got bored so he figured that he would go out and visit Sherlock's grave. He did that more often than he would like to admit. His grave was almost like Sherlock was standing right next to him. So close yet so far.

When he arrived he was relieved to find the graveyard empty. He was able to stand in the complete silence and have himself and Sherlock. He could stand there for hours but John had to go to 221B and write a letter. He wrote a letter to Sherlock. He knew it sounded stupid but it helped, slightly. He would write about how he missed him. How he wished it were him, not Sherlock that was dead. He knew he should not think like that but it was true. He would die for Sherlock any day. He wrote about how he missed staying up for days trying to crack murders that seemed impossible but he knew that Sherlock would figure it out. He always did. He wrote about how he missed the constant banter that they had together. It kept living with Sherlock never boring. He wrote about all of the things he missed. When John was done he would save them in a little metallic purple shoe box that he would keep under his bed. John would sometimes re-read them if he felt sadder then usual that day. He put that letter, along with many others, under his bed and headed downstairs to make some tea.

Chamomile was always a personal favorite of Sherlock's and now John loved it too. When he would drink it would put his mind at ease. Just as he was about to sit down he herds a knocking at the door. He placed his tea down a slowly made his way to the door. He opened it to find no one there. He looked around to find a letter on the floor mate. He picked it up to examine it. He went back inside and sat in his armchair. The letter was a deep shade of green and had no return address. He opened it to find an address and a time. 1879 Inverses Way Tonight @ 8:30. John had so many questions. Who left this here? Why would they give this to John? Could this be Mycroft? He sure did find creative ways to talk to John. But it had been two years scene Mycroft had spoken to John. Why now. Why two years later. John knew he probably should not go. A misery letter comes and says" hey come down and possibly get murdered". But hey, John had nothing better to do except mourn so he figured he should go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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