Chapter 34:The battle for destiny

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The three warriors were ready to begin the ultimate battle,Ryu said to Sakura:
"Let's give this battle all we have!"
"Got it"Sakura replied
Oni then said:
"You're all fools to not accept the Satsui no Hado!Die!"Oni then charged at them at increasing speed
Ryu and Sakura teleported and dodged his attack,Ryu teleported behind him and Sakura teleported into the sky,Ryu then began punching Oni,Oni blocked all his punches,but with every single punch,waves of sand was coming out around them and even earthquakes.Oni then grabbed Ryu's fist and was ready to deliver a powerful uppercut at Ryu,when he was about to do it,he got hit by a purple beam of power from above:
Oni then looked up and said:
"You pathetic weakling,stay out of this!"
"Do you really think I'll just let you hurt Ryu,right in front of me ?"Sakura asked
"Then I'll kill you again!"Oro cursed
When Oni was about to jump to attack Sakura,he got hit by threes massive uppercuts from Ryu:
Oni was sent flying and when he reached Sakura in the sky,Sakura delivered a powerful beam:
Sakura's hadouken were so powerful that it's impact made the sea make huge waves.Oni then fell but recovered and landed on his feet,he then asked:
"There's something different about you Ryu,have you finally found your true power ?"
"I have,by combining both light and darkness,it awoke the true power that lies in both of us!"Ryu answered
Oni then started to punch Ryu,Ryu was blocking all of his attacks,while trying to punch Ryu,Oni asked:
"Have you finally forgot your master Gouken words behind,do you see that true strength lies on the purity of violence ?"
"I have not,his wisdom gave me the tools to understand that your path it's the one I should never follow"Ryu answered
Oni then began punching Ryu much harder,Ryu couldn't keep blocking Oni's powerful punches for so long,when Ryu was being hit by a lot of punches,they suddenly stopped.Ryu recovered and opened his eyes just to see that Sakura used her hurricane kicks on Oni,Oni then recovered and asked:
"You also have his power,why are you a fool and don't accept it,why are you all so weak ?"
"First,the Satsui no Hado it's nothing but empty promises.Second,if we're so weak,then why are we winning over you ?"Sakura replied
Oni then teleported,Ryu and Sakura couldn't see where he was.Oni then teleported behind Sakura and said to her:
"We'll see who's weak"
Oni then used his uppercut on Sakura:
The impact of the punch was so hard,that an powerful earthquake occurred on the beach.Sakura was sent flying to the clouds and began to fall unconscious,Oni then teleported where she was,right where he was about to deliver his hurricane kicks on her,Ryu teleported behind him and said:
"I'm the only one you're gonna hurt here"
Ryu delivered several hurricane kicks on Oni's face who immediately blood came out of his nose after it.Ryu then kicked Oni down,Oni was falling so fast that fire surround him,when Oni landed on the sand,the sand turned into ice.Sakura was ready to land on her body on the sand,Ryu then reached her and grabbed her under her arms and landed on his feet,Sakura then opened her eyes and said:
"The fight it's not over yet"Ryu replied
Oni then broke himself free from the ice,he then brought his hands to his chest and huge ball of light was forming on them,Ryu and Sakura then brought both their hands to their chest,this time their power balls were white and black and much more powerful.Oni then threw a huge beam of light at them:
Ryu and Sakura then threw their beam of light at Oni:
Ryu and Sakura's power beam mixed and formed a black and white power beam.Their power beam were so much more powerful than Oni's,it passed straight at his power beam and hit Oni with a huge explosion.A huge trace of fire was left behind after the explosion.Oni was barely standing,Ryu and Sakura then looked at each other,both of them said:
"Now,we finish this!"
Sakura teleported behind Oni's back and held his arms:
Ryu then charged at Oni,he then delivered countless punches and kicks:
Sakura then let got of Oni's arms and both her and Ryu began charging another power ball,when they were fully charged,both of them threw them and screamed:
Oni got hit by two power balls again and fell down unconscious.His hair then changed back into red,he was becoming Akuma again,while almost unconscious,he spoke weakly and bleeding:
"I...can't lose...I'm"
"No Akuma,you are nothing from now on,our battle is over..with us victorious"Ryu replied
"Damn you!"Akuma then got up and charged at them
Ryu and Sakura teleported out of sight,Akuma then screamed,as he realized he was defeated:
Ryu and Sakura teleported where it all started:Japan.They teleported exactly on the park,once there,they reverted back to their normal selves,Sakura then hugged Ryu and said:
"We did it!We won!"
"Yeah,and thank you Sakura,if it wasn't for you,my journey would have been over"Ryu said,he then broke the hug and wrapped his arms around Sakura's waist
Sakura immediately started to blush,she then wrapped her arms around Ryu's neck,she then said:
"You're welcome"
Both of them did a small smile and looked at each other in the eyes,then both their faces approached one another,they closed their eyes and their lips then held each other,they shared a long kiss,that moment will forever touch both their hearts,Ryu then broke the kiss and said:
"I love you Sakura,cherry blossom"
"And I love you Ryu,dragon"Sakura replied
Both of them then shared another long kiss,they've just set a new strength and a feeling in one another and they intend to keep it for a long time.

To be continued

Don't worry guys,the Ryu x Sakura stories are far from over,besides I won't end this one without a bang.After I finish this story,I'll write:"Ryu and Sakura:Couple days",those will be short stories about how Ryu and Sakura spent their days together,so shippers and readers don't give up your hopes.Thanks for reading,See you next time👋🏻

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