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Tom woke up tied to a chair for what seemed like the hundredth time already.

All of his limbs were bound, his sight even taken away by what he assumed was cloth. But as he tried to blink, attempting to get any sense of his surroundings despite the darkness, he realized that there was nothing against his eyes. Not even the visors he had grown so used to. But what he did feel was an unfamiliar presence around his neck.

Oh shit.

Tom's first thought was obviously Tord. There was no doubt in mind that he'd do something like this in order to get him back. But then he remembered what had happened before he passed out. He recalled Edd snapping at him and trying to drag him away, presumably to where he is now? Tom took a deep breath. He'd dealt with this before. He needed to stay calm or else he'd fuck up and further aggravate his assumed captor. Straining his ears for any bit of communication, he heard the distant sounds of gunfire and what appeared to be Norwegian yelling.

Double oh shit.

Footsteps soon filled the decidedly cold room. Tom didn't move. Didn't breath. He waited in completely silence for what was to come next. All of his senses felt heightened as he tried to not panic over his obvious loss of vision. Why couldn't he see without the visors on him like he could before? What was going on?

He heard a sliding door open, giving him a clue as to where he was. A cellar? A closet maybe? The latter of those two inferences seemed more correct. Tom heard a purr.

"Aww, you really do look pathetic." A British voice hummed. He felt them walk closer, until their hot breath could be felt against his shoulder. He knew immediately who it was.

A hand reached up to press a finger to Tom's eyelid, the rest of them holding his head tightly. His breath hitched. "Wow. Tord really did a number on your eyes, hm? Oh well, that's your own fault." Silence stayed between the two for a few moments. Tom's mouth wasn't covered. He could've spoken, but at that moment no words would leave his chapped lips.

"I could've given you the world. But you chose him yet again. It was always him, wasn't it?" Another hand laid on Tom's neck, nails digging into an already fresh cut. "You were always his pathetic, worthless bitch."

"Edd, please-"

"Don't speak, you disgusting whore. Honestly, I was so blind with love that I didn't even pick up on how absolutely repulsive you are."

The nails dug in deeper. Pain pulsed through Tom's body.

"I was so in love with you. Infatuated, even. You were the only thing I lived for. The only thing that made me feel okay for once in my fucking life! But you ruined it-


Tom was met with a harsh slap to the face, wincing as he bit his lip. His chest heaved out uneasy breaths while he struggled to choke back a sob. But it wasn't long until the tears started streaming down his cheeks.

"Oh, don't cry my dearest Thomas!" Edd exclaimed with pure venom in his mockingly sweet voice, "Don't cry like I did when I waited for you to come see me, not forget about me like everyone else always did. You were supposed to be different. DIFFERENT!"

Edd chuckled dryly, his hands going to the ropes around Tom's neck. "But you weren't. We're all the same. Just filthy, appalling sacks of meat with no regard for anyone but ourselves. Though some how, I still managed to love you."

They tightened.

"Which is why if I can't have you, no one else can."

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