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Finally summer was over, fall is coming in. It was a day where the leaves turned orange and red, a day that leaves fell off trees. It was usually Taehyung's favorite season and time of the year, but he didn't feel the same this time. He felt empty for some reason, he took some pictures of the great view. He looked at the pictures, they didn't look right. They didn't look good enough, it was just different, without Jungkook....
Usually Jungkook would be with Taehyung during this time of the year since it was his favorite time of the year, but Jungkook went on a business trip this year to Saudi Arabia. Taehyung felt lonely, especially by himself alone in the big house, watching leaves fall down the trees and wind flying by. It wasn't that cold, but Taehyung without Jungkook felt more cold than when they were in Australia.
"I promise I'll be back," said Jungkook.
"You promise?~" Tae Asked.
Jungkook nodded.
"I'll be back in 3 months, I'll contact you!" Said Jungkook.
"Alright, I love you Ggukkie~" said Taehyung.
Jungkook kissed Taehyung's soft cheeks and led out a small smile, a soft little smile. Taehyung blushed as Jungkook left~
Taehyung sighed, he couldn't do anything right without Jungkook. He was missing Jungkook for things to be perfect... he wasn't motivated to do anything. Unless he contacts Jungkook.
Taehyung started humming some songs, he covered himself with a blanket and made a cup of hot chocolate. He felt cold, and he drank some hot chocolate and sighed...
"When's the hot coco done Ggukkieeeeee~?" Taehyung Asked.
"Soon, soon!" Said Jungkook and giggled.
Taehyung was tapping his foot excitedly~
"And... DONE!" Said Jungkook as he took the hot chocolate over.
Taehyung gulped and licked his lips in a cute way, and smiled at Jungkook.
"Try it?~" Said Jungkook.
Taehyung took a sip and smiled so hard, super happy.
"It's delicious!!" Said Taehyung.
Jungkook smiled and sat down.
"How'd you make it so good~?" Taehyung Asked.
"I added some special ingredients!~ I'm not telling youuuuu~! That way you'll feel different without meeee!" Jungkook Replied.
"I'll never feel the same without youu~" Taehyung lied.
Now Taehyung knows exactly how this feels, it feels terrible without Jungkook by his side. Taehyung feels as if he can't function right without Jungkook, he couldn't help but think back to everything with him and Jungkook. At least it made him feel a bit safe and secured and warm.
"I wish Jungkook was here," Said Taehyung as he sighed and started crying.
Taehyung wiped his tears with his blanket as frowned.
"Ggukkie... I miss you.." said Taehyung.
"I promise I'll always stick with you~" Said Jungkook.
Taehyung blushed hard.
Jungkook kissed Taehyung's lips~
Taehyung got more upset as he kept thinking back.
Suddenly... his phone rang.
"H-Hello?" He said, wiping his tears.
"Hey, it's me!~" Said Jungkook.
Taehyung was silently sobbing... he didn't say anything but hold those tears back. He didn't know what to say, it would be awkward just to cry in front of the phone... but he also didn't want to make things sad, since it's about the third call Jungkook gave him, and a long time ever since they last called.
"Hey?" Jungkook Called.
"I-I miss you..." said Taehyung as tears rolled down his cheeks and he started crying out loud, after holding them for so long.
"Omg Taehyung, baby don't cry plz!!" Said Jungkook.
Taehyung kept crying and crying, Jungkook was frowning on the phone, not showing his emotions since it would make things even worse.
"Taehyung, I'm coming back soon! Plz don't be upset, and wait for me because I promise I'll be back very soon!!" Said Jungkook.
"R-Really?" Taehyung Asked.
"Yes, of course!" Jungkook Replied as Taehyung wiped his tears.
Taehyung pretended to be very happy, as they talked for about 2 hours straight...
"Goodbye," said Taehyung.
"Love you Baby," said Jungkook as he kissed on the phone, Taehyung blushed as he hung up.
Taehyung put his phone on the side, sighed.
"When can he not lie to me..?" Taehyung Asked himself as he frowned.
Taehyung didn't believe Jungkook anymore, Jungkook kept telling Taehyung that he'll be coming every time they called, but it's been months... he never came back. Taehyung was dreadful about Jungkook coming back. But he missed seeing Jungkook, he missed kissing Jungkook's soft lips and he kissed Jungkook teasing him everyday. He loved how Jungkook would always have a way to make him blush, and how Jungkook can always make him feel safe and protected. Taehyung didn't care if Jungkook lied to him, but he just wants to cuddle him so bad... so bad.
Taehyung continued doing what he would always do, he started painting again. This time, he painted a drawing of Jungkook. Surprising, it looked perfect!
"Wow... this looks nice!" Said Taehyung.
Taehyung smiled, he loved it!
"I must give this to Ggukkie when he comes back!!" Said Taehyung as he got excited.
Someone walked pass and threw rocks at the window...
Taehyung jumped a bit as he turned around, he thought it was the guy he has been waiting for... but it wasn't...
"Your painting sucks!" Said a guy.
Taehyung couldn't say anything, he felt so upset... it looked really good in his opinion, he loved the way he drew Ggukkie. It was his way, he couldn't help but get teary.
"You lil homo!" Said another guy.
Taehyung cried so hard.
"We all know you're dating the most handsome guy here... don't you know that every girl here wants him?! You dumb idiot..." said the guy.
Taehyung was super upset, he wish Ggukkie was there to protect him...
"I don't even know how he chose this dumb idiot that can't protect himself and needs others to protect him. So useless!" Said a girl.
"J-Just because y-you l-like-
"Shut up! You can even talk right in front of others!" The girl interrupted.
"Haha he can only talk right in front of his GGUKKIE!" Said another guy as they all laughed.
Taehyung ran into the bathroom as he was sobbing so hard... why did everyone hate him so much?! Just because of Ggukkie? Or is because he can't even protect himself without Ggukkie, because he can't be someone like Ggukkie who is brave and strong? Is it wrong to like a guy as a guy? Those questions kept spinning around in Taehyung's mind... he didn't have an answer to any of them, but he couldn't stop thinking. Then, he heard something outside... he slowly walked over to the window to see what was going on...
"Don't call my baby dumb!" Said Jungkook, pulling the guys shirt.
"G-G-Ggukkie?!" Said Taehyung, in shock.
Didn't Ggukkie say he was coming back weeks later?? Did Taehyung see things?
"He is an idiot! He can't even protect himself without you!!!" Said The Guy as Jungkook punched him.
"Shut up! You don't get to say anything to him!!" Said Jungkook.
"G-G-Ggukkie~ Ggukkie~~" the girl mocked Taehyung as everyone laughed and Taehyung covered his face with embarrassment...
"Shut up!" Jungkook Hollered as he smacked the girl.
"I don't understand, I love you so much... why do you choose this dumb crap over me?!" The girl Asked.
"He's not dumb crap! Plus I love cute and innocent people who are sweet and caring. Unlike you," Jungkook answered.
The girl cried as she ran away, Jungkook Yelled at all of them and told them to go as he walked in. Jungkook smiled at Taehyung...
"I'm back," said Jungkook.
Taehyung was in shock, he didn't know what to say...
Jungkook hugged Taehyung.
"It's me," said Jungkook.
"Ggukkie!!" Said Taehyung.
Jungkook kissed Taehyung's soft blushing cheeks and rubbed his hair and teased him.
"Ggukkie s-stahppp~!" Said Taehyung as Jungkook giggled.
"I like to see my precious baby blushing and waiting for me~" said Jungkook.
Taehyung blushed so hard he had to cover his face as Jungkook uncovered his face and rubbed his cheeks~
"They're soft~" said Jungkook.
Taehyung smiled.
Jungkook pushed Taehyung on the sofa and kissed him~
Taehyung's heart burst open as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and kissed back.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this first Oneshot for Vkook in my Oneshot series for Vkook. I hope it's as good as I expected it and if you didn't like it that much, I'll work better on the others that are coming in soon!~ I love you all and if you guys have any suggestions on what my next oneshot for Vkook can be on, feel free to comment and tell me! I also have to work on the new story for BTS JOB UNITS that's coming up, so yeah. Plus I have testing these days so I won't be that active but here's just smth for you guys while I'm gone~! Love you all~! I Purple You!!!~ 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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