Book of Nightmares

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Chapter 1: The new owner

It was the end of school and it was time to go home. Brother and sister, Ken and Kelly, walked home, keeping away from each other as far as possible. Kelly, seven, was walking normally and tried to walk as straight as possible. Ken, who was the opposite of Kelly, scowled, with a big bruise on his face.

“Did that birthday present came from Christopher?” Kelly said, meaning the bruise on her eleven-year-old brother’s face.

“Shut up,” said Ken. “I don’t even want to hear about him from you. Mind your own business.”

Kelly was always getting Ken into trouble. She told loads of lies. She cried easily. She pinched his stuff. She almost never did what he wanted her to. She never really came up with any good ideas for games. And he was tired of always having to sort things out for her.

“It’s sweet to have a sister,” his mum would say. “You’re a lucky boy, Ken!” But Ken didn’t feel lucky, he felt cursed.

The children stopped at a sweet shop, standing on it’s own on a street corner.

“Please, Ken, can we go there?” begged Kelly.

“Where?” asked Ken.

“You know, ‘Candy Surprise’,” said Kelly already annoyed. “Can we go there?”

“No,” Ken said. “You know Mum wouldn’t let you.”

“Oh please, Ken,” Kelly said, showing her sweet green eyes. “You promised me we could go one time, remember?”


“God, Ken you’re brainless, yesterday!” said Kelly raising her voice so loud that the customers and the shopkeeper from the sweetshop turned to look.

“All right,” Ken said with defeat. “Let’s do it then.”

“That’s more like it!” Kelly said and ran inside the shop.

Ken stood outside and waited. After a minute he called to Kelly, “Come on, Kelly, I want to start my video games!”

“I’m still looking!” called Kelly.

That’s it! Ken had had enough! He started walking. And as he went he decided to play a nasty trick on Kelly. That will get her into trouble. Ken began to run. When he finally arrived home he shouted.

“MUM, MUM! KELLY’S MISSING! I TRIED TO FIND HER BUT I COULDN’T! I NEED YOUR HELP!” When Mum heard this, she turned red on the face and ran to find her. Finally she found her at ‘Candy Surprise’ and Kelly got the blame. Ha ha! She’s got it. That showed her for wasting his time.

“Come on,” said Mum, calming her anger. “We have to get dressed for the summer fair before we have tea.” Oh no! Kelly, who then wiped away her tears, suddenly gave an evil smile at Ken and Ken knew what that meant.

“Ha ha!” she said, under her breath.

“Books for sale! Come on up, they’re cheap; £3.00!!”

“Cakes, cakes!! Anyone wants cakes?? £2.00 per cake!!”

“Souvenirs!! Souvenirs!! Don’t forget these souvenirs!!”

All of these noises were hurting Ken’s eardrums. Why does everyone have to shout when this is a tiny school? After an hour of looking at stuff, he was bored. Why couldn’t he stay at home on his own playing video games? None of his friends was there so he walked around mostly with his mum. Kelly mostly skipped away from them and played with her friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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