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Words: 3.7k

Warnings: This is pure fluff unless you read between the lines.

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It takes more muscles to frown then it does to smile.

That's what Tom had told you when he found you frowning over the missing poptarts and instead, handed you the box of cornflakes which you willingly threw back at him. Corn flakes made your stomach turn – was that normal? He grunted upon getting hit with the box, the cardboard corner hitting him in the chest.

So that's how you both ended up at the supermarket at six thirty-seven on a Tuesday evening, wrapped up in a pair of sweatpants with a form-fitting tee that hugged your bump. That wasn't the smartest option as you came to a halt at the frozen goods. The hairs on your arms stand – goosebumps form on bare skin but your eyes remain drawn on the pint of Ben and Jerry's and a set of eager hands reach for the last pint of your favourite flavours.

Only it wasn't your hands, it was Toms.

"Snoozers are losers." He tells you with a wicked grin.

"You know I'm still going to steal that, right?" You point out, hugging your arms to your chest. Icy fingertips grip your forearms and Toms coat looked awfully comfortable right about now.

Tom clicks his tongue, placing the pint down in the basket. "We're sharing a freezer now so no doubt. Harrison always did the same, I imagine you're going to be worse.

It was a trip for poptarts and poptarts only. Not cornflakes or any of those foods that made your stomach turn but now you had a basket of ice cream, few vegetables and the odd apple as well as a couple of frozen meals. Eat everything in moderation, right? Tom had demanded you get canned peaches too – his favourite after dinner snack.

"I'm pregnant, I'm eating for two now and this hungry baby wants Ben and Jerry's." You poke his arm, handing him the basket that grew progressively heavy and grabbed another pint. Tom knew that with the hours he was working, you'd manage to get into the tub he picked up – not that he minded. Why would he?

Your baby was now as big as a peach and you and Tom had briefly gone over whether or not you wanted to find out the gender. Well, Tom had gone over it. He was bubbling with excitement. You were uncertain and your uncertainty had made for some nerves on Toms part but he was yet to say something.

Uncertainty was normal, however, even if it felt consuming at times.

There were times, like right now where you felt comfortable. Or at least as comfortable as you could with cold arms and feet that were in the beginning stages of swelling up. But there were other times where you felt uncomfortable in your own mind and skin. It was late at night especially when your mind would turn into a beehive, buzzing with thoughts that kept you awake and overthinking.

You weren't ready for this. Not in the slightest. What about your plans. What about your parent's plans for you and everything you still had to achieve and... what about Tom?

You slip your bottom lip between your teeth and chew nervously, eyes darting across the supermarket floor. It's so cold in there and the tingling in your arms increases, toes tensing around your cotton socks – or were they Toms? Your washing had gotten reasonably confused to the point where you could be wearing his sweatpants right now and he could be wearing your uni sweater and neither of you would notice the switch up.

How could I not? • Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now