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How are you?

I'm not okay. And do you know why?

I've been thinking about this whole thing about saving the planet. I listened to all the speeches that Greta Thunberg gave. I heard the song, from Lil Dicky: "Earth". I've been reading on the papers and all over in the internet articles about the global warming, which is a real thing.

Everyday I look around and I just see... a complete mess. Everyone trying to survive individually, with their own schedules, their own life, their own routine... Everyone always busy and late for this or for that... Do you know what I mean? 

I'm just saying that we, Humans, are just trying to live our lifes, as if we were the only ones on this planet. Trying to make money, trying to create our own family, trying to find a job... But we need to open our minds and understand just one thing: we are living together, on the same planet, the same earth. Yeah, I am breathing the same air that you are breathing. I am walking on the same ground that you are walking. 

I think out problem right now is: fear. We are scared of everything. So we decide to keep our lives the same, don't change anything. But I have to tell you something: sometimes we NEED to add some risk to our conservative lives. We need to... give it a shot. I'm not asking you to do something big. I am asking you to reflect on this. Change your life a little. It is the least we can do for this beautiful planet that gives us shelter, land, food, and however badly we do it, it forgives us. We need to save it. And we don't have much time to it. 

Take this as an advice. 

And if you don't believe this, then how do you explain all these natural disasters that have been happening? How do you explain the extinction of thousands of species per day? How do you explain all this that has been happening nowadays? This is just the Earth BEGGING for help. It's the only way she has to communicate with us. They say that humans are intelligent beings, so how come we can not understand what the Earth has been saying to us lately? Please help me. Please help the earth. please help yourselves. 

We are under attack on ourselves. We are destroying what we should be more greatful to have. We are destroying our own lives.

Are you a mother? Are you a father? Did your son or daughter asked you to see Polar Bears? Do you know something? You are taking away your son's/daughter's future. Polar Bears, some kind of dolphins, some insects, tigers, whales, birds... Some day they will be extinct and their children may never see them. 


Our society has become completely consumerist. We have holidays and days to celebrate almost everything. This is just an appeal to consumerism. We don't need that stuff. We don't need to buy presents at Christmas. We just need ourselves. Together. Healthy. Happy. We don't need presents. 

So, can you do me a favour? Can you do YOU a favour? Help. Share this to your friends so they can help to. We need to make people open their eyes. Can I count on you? 

Thanks for reading, I really aprecciate

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